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Twilight Princess Did You Like Twilight Princess?

Did you like twilight princess?

  • Yes I loved it!

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  • It's an ok game

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  • I don't like it.

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I think my 213 hours of gameplay stands on its own to say i like it :)


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I loved it. The dungeons are awesome and I loved the puzzles in the game. Having said that it's easily one of the worst games in the series from my perspective. I really couldn't stand many of required quests between dungeons like the tears of light. Also nonlinearity is one of my favorite aspects of games in the series and Twilight Princess entirely threw it out the window. Objectively it's a really good game, but it's like the designers went out of their way to make the game frustrate me by removing player choice in terms of the main quest. The game is like A Link to the Past in 3d with virtually all of the freedom removed. Additionally this game continued the tradition of having a lengthy intro to the game which in my eyes is just less time that you actually get to "play" the game. In summary the game is great, but the designers made several decisions that were the complete opposite of what I would have liked to see.

I've heard a few people claim the game is nonlinear and that's fair because there are multiple definitions and facets of the term. There can be nonlinear dungeons, sidequests that can be completed whenever, and doing the main quest in different orders. I'm talking about the third option. Twilight Princess can only be completed in one path through the main quest; therefore, by my definition Twilight Princess is as linear as physically possible in this sense of the term.


Totally! It has become my favorite Zelda game, and even with Skyward Sword out, it still is. It took everything I loved from one of my favorite games ever, Ocarina of Time, and expanded it beyond foreseeable proportions. Everything was spectacular. Don't get me wrong, I love Skyward Sword, but Twilight Princess is just to good.

Hylian Cat

The feline from Hyrule
Dec 30, 2011
Zora's Domain
This was a good game to play and there were lots of areas to explore, which I really liked! People usually say that Twilight Princess enemies are really easy to defeat, but they were actually challenging for me(i hope that's not a bad thing). The graphics I didn't really like at all, though. Where were all the colors, except for green, grey, blue, and yellow? Ah well, graphics rarely make or break a game, and I enjoyed playing this game, so I would say that this game was really fun for me! :) :) :)
Dec 27, 2011
The only thing I didn't like about it was the easy bosses. The rest? One of my most favorite Zelda games! Can't understand why it is so hated tough...
Dec 31, 2011
I hated everything about it at first. Nearing the end though, I'm liking it a lot more now. I need to replay the whole thing since Im enjoying it more.
Dec 30, 2011
the game was good i loved playing it but the first like 3 hours of the game where dumb i mean you have to learn how to fish use the bird and then attack then when you think your done NOPE got to learn how to be a wolf when the controls are roughly the same.
Dec 14, 2010
TP was the game that got me into the Zelda series so for nostalgia perposes i love it. Although I wasn't to keen on the graphics :(

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Twilight Princess is a great game and a huge expansion over Ocarina of Time eight years before it. Some people argue against it for Zant not being the main villain but personally, Ganondorf was introduced very well into the game. There are also a ton of sidequests and a hefty amount of character interaction unseen in the series since Majora's Mask.


I really enjoyed it, it's one of my favorites actually, the story it's really original, I love the characters design, the graphics and the gameplay and Midna is awesome. Based on reviews I read in various places seems like the main issue is that most people can't help but compare it to the other games in the series, but if you want to actually enjoy any game part of a series (like Zelda, Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy) you have to play it for itself, if you are going to compare it to the other games in the series you will always find something to complain about.

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