The Triforce hunt was a great addititon to the game and I loved it!
Firstly, it gave the player a reason to explore the Great Sea. One of my biggest complaints for TP is that its overworld was expansive and vast, but it was as empty and baron as the Gerudo Desert. There was absoloutley nothing to do other then collect the Golden Bugs. I literally spent 2 hours wandering around Hyrule Field on Epona trying to find something to do and I simply couldn't find anything. It was a huge dissapointment to me and its something that Wind Waker excelled in. In Wind Waker, you can't argue that the overworld is too big, but atleast there is stuff to do in it. Each square had a unique island with a puzzle to overcome and accomplish or an island that added to the storyline. Every single island was included and that's something that I loved. Sailing around and finding those islands and discovering what you could do on them was one of the most memorable parts in Wind Waker. I would of explored the whole sea on my own but the fact that the game gave you a reason to was pretty clever, and in my opinion, better then simply having a final dungeon.
Secondly, it included Tingle into the game! He's short, fat, wered, a little creepy, but you all know you love him deep down (very deep) somewhere in your heart. Tingle never really shined as a character until Wind Waker gave him his spotlight that he rightfully deserved since Majoras Mask. It was pretty neat how you freed Tingle early in the game, thinking that he didn't matter anymore and it was a little easter egg, but then he came around nearing the end of the game and had a pretty important part in Link obtaining the Triforce.
Lastly, this was the first time in any Zelda game where your rupees actually mattered. Many of you probably complain about this but to me, this is the part that was incredible and was really innovative for a Zelda game. Since OoT I always wondered why your rupees never really did anything and I always wished that Nintendo would include them in some part of the game. Well, I finally got my wish with Wind Waker. This Triforce Hunt gave rupees a purpose in the game which was long needed in Zelda. I'm happy that Wind Waker started this and even more happy that Skyward Sword continued and improved on the system.
I could go on and on about why I loved this part in the game, but I'll stop with those three reasons. I really think people jump to conclusions about this part of the game and don't really give it a chance. Nobody can force you to like it, and it's all a matter of what you prefer in a Zelda game. All I ask is that if you hate it, perhaps play it again and give it a second chance
