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Deeper Meaning Behind Sheikah Eyes in Forsaken Fortress


Resident Netizen
May 10, 2010
Random house on Earth.
Aside from the tattoo on Baito's shoulder and on Impa's mosaic stained-glass picture, the Sheikah eye appears only once in the game, and that's on wood chips on either side of the room Ganon resides in while in the Forsaken Fortress. I always wondered why. There seems to be no official reason.

Then it hit me.

Tetra says that the pirates who controlled it were rival pirates. Also, the Fortress is directly over Ganon's Tower in Hyrule. you go through a DARK portal to get there.

So then I thought "What if the Sheikah were there to guard the portal and seal to make sure Ganon never got out, and not only that, but also to make sure that Tetra's family and the Triforce of Wisdom never got near Ganon's Tower and the Seal?"

What do you guys think?
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Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
Rival pirates as in Tetra's rivals?

Daphnes didn't know about the portal, so I don't think that's the reason the Fortress was built. It's also worth noting that the fortress isn't necessarily directly above Ganon's Tower. Otherwise an interesting theory.
May 18, 2009
Well, the Sheikah have a history of hanging around dark, scary, forsaken places--Shadow Temple, anyone? So it's not implausible that they might use someplace like the Forsaken Fortress as an HQ. But why would the Sheikah be making sure Ganon got out? Shouldn't they be making sure he stayed in? Or is that what you meant?

It might make sense that the sworn guardians of the Royal Family would want to ensure that the Triforce of Wisdom never got too close to Ganon in case he did get out. But setting themselves up as Tetra's rivals would only encourage the rather... (um, what's a less-sexist word for "spunky"?) "proactive"?...Tetra to come and attack them. Say, by launching a hitchiker in a barrel at them? ;)

But I can see them doing it for a different reason: To ensure that nobody notices a Zelda lookalike hanging around with a bunch of Sheikah, thus making it harder for Ganon to find Zelda if he ever did get out.

But I get the feeling that Tetra's "rivals" are Ganondorf's monster crew (hey, those rafts and platforms with Bokoblins do look vaguely pirate-y) who have moved in since then.

I agree with Locke64: The placement of the portals doesn't really match (Hyrule Castle and Ganon's Tower are much closer together than the Tower of the Gods an the Forsaken FOrtress) but otherwise this is a really interesting theory.


Resident Netizen
May 10, 2010
Random house on Earth.
Portal placement really is irrelevant (in my own inflated opinion).

Also, those rafts and submarines that Ganon's troops use may just be a way for him to gain new power and consolidate it. Yes, they do look piratey, and they have cannons in their reef fortresses.

(Also, I clarified the mistake I made up there by actually adding the word "never")


Gone (Wind) Fishin'
Jul 16, 2010
Montreal, QC, Canada
One thing that I haven't seen brought up is surprising; that Sheik and Impa were the only remaining Sheikah on the AT. There is no in-game data that has suggested that there has been any Sheikah since then. I don't see why Zelda would continue to be Sheik on the Adult timeline, as she has no reason to (and is presumably busy rebuilding Hyrule), and Impa is presently occupied being a sage at the end of OoT. There doesn't seem to be much of a window of time for there to be any more Sheikah, and no Sheikah would be available to guard anything, because both Impa and Sheik are busy elsewhere.
Another point is that the Forsaken Fortress is built on islands (I assume an archipelago, since you can sail through parts of it), and the Sheikah couldn't have guarded the portal because the Forsaken Fortress couldn't have been built until after the Great Flood, which is a fair amount of time after the ending of OoT, so I'm not sure they would even be around to do so anymore.
Even if the Sheikah were around, I don't see why they'd be around Ganondorf.

Portal placement really is irrelevant (in my own inflated opinion).
The locations of portals have almost always been relevant to the Zelda universe; take the Dark World portals, for example -- they bring you to the exact same location, except in the Dark World. If portals could be created anywhere, to anywhere, then Ganondorf would have immediately created a portal in any secure location and would have gone everywhere and done everything he wanted to do. The person who created the portal is almost certainly Ganondorf, because it's directly over where you find him at the end of the game. As such, the Fortress was probably built for that intent, to keep people away from entering Hyrule at the bottom of the sea, while giving him exclusive access to it. It can't just be a coincidence; it makes too much sense where it is for its location to be a coincidence.

Although the parallels and observations you've made are interesting, I don't think we can assume that the Sheikah have anything to do with the Forsaken Fortress, or even the entire game itself. They haven't been seen since OoT, and there are even fewer allusions to the Sheikah on the adult timeline than on the child timeline. It's almost certainly just an Easter egg, like Majora's Mask appearing on Death Mountain in TP. I don't see any connection.


Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
The locations of portals have almost always been relevant to the Zelda universe; take the Dark World portals, for example -- they bring you to the exact same location, except in the Dark World. If portals could be created anywhere, to anywhere, then Ganondorf would have immediately created a portal in any secure location and would have gone everywhere and done everything he wanted to do. The person who created the portal is almost certainly Ganondorf, because it's directly over where you find him at the end of the game. As such, the Fortress was probably built for that intent, to keep people away from entering Hyrule at the bottom of the sea, while giving him exclusive access to it. It can't just be a coincidence; it makes too much sense where it is for its location to be a coincidence.
Are you saying the Forsaken Fortress is directly above Ganon's Tower? But Ganon's Tower is so close to Hyrule Castle yet the Forsaken Fortress is so far away from the Tower of the Gods.


Resident Netizen
May 10, 2010
Random house on Earth.
Well, maybe not directly above. tower of the Gods is directly above the castle, as we see the ship descending. But we never see the descending of the Portal of Darkness. So, it's highly unlikely.


Die Hard Zelda Fan
Oct 18, 2007
In your freakin' mind
Well, I can see what he means about it being directly above. *WARNING! PHYSICS ALERT!* Say, for example, you have two points on a disc. Then you move the points outward from the center along their respective rays. Then when the disc spins around, the two pairs of dots move to the same positions at the same time, but the outer pair is faster. Now, say the inner pair was the castle and tower. And the outer dots were the Tower of the Gods and the Forsaken Fortress. They could be in the same place, yet at a farther distance, all at the same time! And further to my point, when you pass the top of the map in the game, you appear at the parallel and corresponding spot on the bottom of the map, insinuating that the planet is round. When you consider this, the Tower of the Gods and the Forsaken Fortress are slightly closer to each other, making it slightly more believable.


I don't have a lot to say about this. But if there is one thing to say, Forsaken Fortress is probably above the Gerudo Fortress. The Fortress is so far away from the Castle, which is near Ganon's Tower.
Nov 23, 2010
i never really thought about it like that, of coarse the royal family became pirates and it was supposed to remain a secret so there protectors were disguised as rivals. but gannondorf broke free and killed them all (or drove the out) mabye they are still out there . . . somewhere. another Easter egg questions for meaning. TY for bringing that to my attention. i think you are right (but y are they still up??? maybe like a trophy???)

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