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General Zelda Dark Link As the Main Villain

Dark Link as Main 3D Villain?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm somewhere in the middle...

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Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
Sup peeps, Random Person here.

Dark Link as the main villain for a major 3D title? (Not necessarily for Zelda Wii-U)

Yay or nay! GO!


May 18, 2013
I said this in another thread somewhere.

As long as he doesn't speak, just like Link.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
Why does Dark Link have such popularity. He was in Zelda II as a and OoT as a mini-boss. I've also heard he has a minor role in FSA. Frankly, he has no character, no real traits associated with him, and no special moves or anything. He is generic, annoying to fight, and I don't even know if he's one or multiple characters. Why do people like him?


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
No, I wouldn't want him as anything but a sub-Boss somewhere. It'd be incredibly cliché and un-original, and Dark Link's only quality he has going for him, being void of any character or anything, is mystery. I'd rather he be left alone.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
I want Dark Link as the sidekick. The Zant or Ghirahim of whatever game he's in. Also, and this is the important part Nintendo, I WANT HIM DONE RIGHT. This does not mean, however, I am opposed to him being the main villain. I just think he would fit the role of lackey better. So my ultimate answer would be no, I don't want him to be but I'm not against the idea either.

Why does Dark Link have such popularity. He was in Zelda II as a and OoT as a mini-boss. I've also heard he has a minor role in FSA. Frankly, he has no character, no real traits associated with him, and no special moves or anything. He is generic, annoying to fight, and I don't even know if he's one or multiple characters. Why do people like him?

The same reason people like Shadow the Hedgehog, Dark Suit Samus, and many other "opposite but dark" characters... because it presents what is liked in a dark fashion. If the hero is a great hero, than the villain version of them must be a great villain. Dark Link, as a character, does very little for the series... BUT he has the potential to be something fantastic.

Also, his fight in OoT was awesome.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
I'm just not sure his concept will work out. Shadow the Hedgehog never amounted to too much after Adventure 2, and Dark Suit was rather limited by the silent nature of the character.

There are excellent anti-heroes throughout fiction, but I don't feel there's ant real inspiration for a real character. He could at best serve as a henchman. I mean what ideas are there even for a great lead Dark Link?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Yes. Dark Link deserves it as much as some shoddy one-shot does. And none of that "surprise main villain" shizzle, or that "sub villain" shizzle. Just straight up "he is the enemy, he must perish or else the hero will in his stead". It can happen. It won't be in some epic manner; Nintendo sucks at storywriting. It'll just be a great resolution.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
Not really. A final boss, maybe, but main villain? No thanks. He hasn't really had any character or origin story to begin with and I see no reason for him to have one in the future. To me, doing so would just seem like fanservice, considering the amount of fan-fiction surround the guy. Personally, I like him just the way he is as a recurring mid-boss. He doesn't need to be anything more than a spell conjured by Ganon or someone or something else, nothing that holds personal gripes against Link, nothing with its own motives or goals, just a killing machine.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
i've only seen dark link been made a big deal in some fangirls stupid fiction stories
while it would be cool,nintendo just hasn't made him important enough for something like this to happen
Apr 5, 2013
i understand the whole concept of "defeat the dark side of yourself." i know it's popular. but as i grow and become more experienced i see that the darkness within us shouldn't be eliminated, it should be balanced with the good and implemented. so if dark link does come back in any future titles, i'd like to see him more as an obstacle to overcome and tame than a villain to be destroyed. think about it: how would you be able to stab gannon in the face if you yourself didn't have some darkness in you?

other than that, i kindof think the who "dark *hero's name*" is lazy writing. step 1) take your hero and step 2) make his outfit black. BOOM. villain. =p

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
Dark Link can't work as a main villain because he isn't really even a "he". Dark Link's an "it", a magical incantation meant to pit the target against himself. It can't have any sort of personality because it's just a spell. A really cool spell, mind you, and one I relish & fear fighting every time. But a spell, and nothing more. Can't work.


gay energy
Feb 28, 2010
New York
Having him as a major character is one thing, but having him as the main villain is pushing it a little bit. I'd prefer it if he was more of a sub villain.

And why are you guys saying that Dark Link can't be a villain because he can't talk and has no personality? They can add that, just so you know.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
And why are you guys saying that Dark Link can't be a villain because he can't talk and has no personality? They can add that, just so you know.

I was pondering this too. From what I'm reading, it seems that people are more disgusted of what the audience has made him and is portraying that in future possibilities. Aka...

"Dark Link can't be the main villain because he'd be just like those fanfics I hate!"

...to put it bluntly. Is it really fair to say DL can't be something because someone outside the offcial creators wanted him to be one first?

Dark Link can't work as a main villain because he isn't really even a "he". Dark Link's an "it", a magical incantation meant to pit the target against himself. It can't have any sort of personality because it's just a spell. A really cool spell, mind you, and one I relish & fear fighting every time. But a spell, and nothing more. Can't work.

Source? I think its pretty obvious that he's a spell, but does that mean the spell left him without Personality? This is magic we're talking about, so unless its actually said, we can't really assume that. After all, think of all the creatures in LoZ, let alone all of fantasy, that were created through spells yet have their own Persona.
Also, this goes with the earlier point. A new Dark Link can easily be created through other means that would give him a Personality. We have multiple Links, multiple Zeldas, and even multiple Tingles, I don't see whats wrong with making Dark Link different from his past selfs.

Sir Quaffler

May we meet again
Source? I think its pretty obvious that he's a spell, but does that mean the spell left him without Personality? This is magic we're talking about, so unless its actually said, we can't really assume that. After all, think of all the creatures in LoZ, let alone all of fantasy, that were created through spells yet have their own Persona.
Also, this goes with the earlier point. A new Dark Link can easily be created through other means that would give him a Personality. We have multiple Links, multiple Zeldas, and even multiple Tingles, I don't see whats wrong with making Dark Link different from his past selfs.

That... is actually a valid point. I don't have any actual sources to back me up, but from an analytical standpoint it doesn't seem likely that Dark Link has a personality. You are correct in that magically-created creatures can have their own personalities, I'll give you that. It just doesn't seem like that's the case with DL in particular. From what I've seen of him in the series, Dark Link seems to work like a trap spell, where once the target reaches a certain point in the arena the whole room locks up and DL is created to fight the target. It seems as though the DL spell could work on anything that walks into the room, not just Link hiself. Like, they could have a Dark Rutou if she had gotten that far (Maybe that's how she died?!). Now, you might be able to help me out with FSA, as I've never played that and don't know how DL acts there or even how he's created there. So there might be another angle I'm not aware of.

As far as not assuming he has no personality unless it's stated, I actually think the opposite of that; it's safer to assume something DOESN'T have a personality unless directly stated or observed. DL COULD have a personality, but since I've never seen any while fighting him, I can assume he does not.

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