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General Zelda Crazy Idea...

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Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
Some of you know that my childhood was Spyro, not OoT. I've been playing the first one lately, enjoying the nostalgia and raging at the flight levels...

Came up with a crazy idea and wondered if anyone would like it. If you take a long time on a level, the background music will change. For example here's the music for Dry Canyon, one of the levels in the Peacekeeper World:


And here's the Peacekeepers alternate theme. It plays for every Peacekeeper level except the home level if you stay in it for a long time.


SO! Would you like to see this done with Zelda games? Picture screwing around in Hyrule Field or Kakariko Village or whatever, all of a sudden, bam, different music. Idk...I know it might sound stupid. I won't be offended if you say you wouldn't like it.


default setting: sarcastic prick
Dec 17, 2012
Seems like an interesting addition. Like secret tracks at the end of Albums (digital releases kind of ruined this). I'm always for more music, especially if it's good.

Tangentially, I also like music that changes based on gameplay like the bongo beat that is added to tracks when Mario rides Yoshi in SMW.


There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
They've had adapting music like that in Hyrule Field, OoT and TP come to mind, but it was based solely on your actions or level of movement. Run around and the music was vibrant. Stop and smell the roses and the music became softer. Combine that with battle music and the day-night cycle themes and it was fairly dynamic. I would rather they incorporated that type of dynamic music into other parts of Hyrule rather than just change up the repeating music to a different kind of repeating music.

It's not that it's a bad idea, I just think they should flesh out the idea that has already been successfully implemented in previous Zelda titles.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
There actually are some examples of this in the series. Not really the entire song changing, but the song gradually changing its pace or intensity as you move. Notable examples that come to mind are Ganon's Castle in OOT, and Hyrule Castle in TP. During the ascent in both games, the music gradually gets more intense, ultimately leading up to the dark Ganon's Theme that we all know and love.

Other examples that come to mind are Hyrule Field in both aforementioned games. Depending on what you're doing in the field, the music may change. For example, in OoT, a series of high chords plays loudly at some points-I could be wrong, but I think this happens when being chased by enemies. A similar example is in SS, while flying through the sky, if you go really fast, a snare drum begins to become audible in the mix, which quickly dies out once you slow down.

These examples aren't really the same thing, though. I definitely like the idea of songs changing in the same way as the example you provided, but I don't know if it's something Nintendo would really do. It's been done before in games such as Luigi's Mansion, in which it was a small easter egg that not a lot of people know about. I can see them doing it as something like that, but I don't know if they'd really incorporate things like that on a large scale. I would like it if they did this, but I am perfectly happy with the small changes in music the series already has.


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
I would rather they incorporated that type of dynamic music into other parts of Hyrule rather than just change up the repeating music to a different kind of repeating music.
Actually, the alternate plays once, then it goes back to the main song. It doesn't keep the alternate song until you leave.

And I was aware of what's already there. Hard to notice it unless you're listening for it though...but, I did notice in TP, the Hyrule Field theme changes from midi to orchestral when you get on Epona. Think I noticed the snare drum in the sky...it almost sounded more like a sound effect.

I wouldnt mind either way.


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
I would love that, though it would be tedious to wait for the music to change.
Ikr? I was doing that yesterday...I had completed Dry Canyon and thought the normal music would have one more run before the alternate came on...piddlefarted around until it faded out and I heard...the normal music. Then I went "screw it" and exited the level. xD

But you could always go on youtube and find OST videos and use a youtube/mp3 converter if you wanted to listen to it more...that's what I ended up doing.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
I think that's a great idea. Alternate tracks would be a nice surprise after wasting too much time in one area. Or maybe if you wait long enough the music will start to throw in throwback tunes! Like for example they could've done it in Ordon Ranch after waiting for awhile the Lon Lon Ranch music starts to play or something like that


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
Or maybe if you wait long enough the music will start to throw in throwback tunes! Like for example they could've done it in Ordon Ranch after waiting for awhile the Lon Lon Ranch music starts to play or something like that
I played TP before OoT...but I love that idea. It would make the people who started with OoT and still hold it in high regard VERY happy.


Finding Love by the Moon
May 28, 2012
Macy, Indiana
This actually happens with the transition from day to night in TP while in Hyrule Field.

This also happens after acquiring the Triforce of Courage in Lorule in ALBW.

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