Thanks! I was singing The 12 days of Christmas and then started counting down to SS, thus, this was born!11 days here in America and I can't wait! I'm so excited that it's only a week and a half! keep the thread alive more and more now that it's getting closer! And also, clever and entertaining celeboy! keep it going, i'm eager to see the rest of the song!
I got a Loyalty Card, 80% off :b Also, I'm making this all up on the fly! The only ones I know, are 1,2,3 and 5! Read on for verse 3!!!I don't think you'll be able to buy anything from that man, his prices are sky high. 1600 rupees for a piece of heart! I am interested to hear the rest of your song though.
Verse 3
8 days 'till Zelda and Beedle sold to me...
Three Loftwings
Two ocarinas
And a slingshot with a Kikwee