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Could They End It?

Apr 4, 2012
Hidden Village
I've been wondering this for a while now, but do you think that the developers could end the Zelda series with one final game and how could they pull it off?
Aug 25, 2011
Yes they could.. I imagine the last story would involve Link un-shattering the time line and once and for all stopping Gannon and evil "reincarnating" the tool to do so would be the mastersword we already know it has power over time.. But I don't think we have seen its full potential yet.

I also think since the games do not come out in order we could see how the story ends but still get to play games that take place before it.
Jun 3, 2011
Sure they could. They can end the series anytime and for whatever reason. Nintendo is a company trying to make money, and like any company, they're going to discontinue a product if it isn't going to sell anymore.
May 3, 2012
Not any time soon I hope. Every new release of a Zelda game is still an A+ title. Though there has been many Zelda games, the market is not yet saturated like with games such as Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero, Call of Duty, etc. where all the games are almost the same. Zelda games always have something new and exciting and the core of the game is still solid.

With that being said, there is always a way to end a series, but you can never make all the fanboys happy no matter what you do...
Jan 2, 2012
Until everyone stops buying LoZ games, we won't have to worry about it ending. I don't think I'll see the end in my lifetime.


links assistant in combat
Aug 22, 2012
in korki forest
they could but they most likely don't want to zelda is an awesome series and they make a lot of money off of they're epic game series
unless every one but not me forgets about the zelda series which most likely will not happen because of the waist buckets of the call of duty and other games today they most likely will keep the series going until some thing bad happens and I have no idea what that bad thing can be but zelda will most likely keep going for a long time.
Aug 25, 2011
They really COULD.. give us the last chronological story as the next game... it wouldnt mean it would have to be the last Zelda game ever made... since the FIRST Zelda game isnt even the first in the timeline... I personally would love to see how it all ends.

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