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Twilight Princess Cave of Ordeals

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
It’s pretty basic how it works…..starts out easy and just gets more and more difficult the further you advance through it. I went in with a fairy or two and some blue potions, with all Heart Containers collected and I made it out alive…..think there may be some parts that are just terrible, but if you’re prepared it should be less difficult. Just remember….when in the parts with ReDead Knights and Stalfos, just use the good old Ball ‘n Chain for a quick kill :right:
Jan 1, 2012
It's alright. The only thing is it takes a long time because there's 50 levels. Also, make sure you have all the items you need before you go because I made the mistake of going when I didn't have all the items and ended up having to leave after 30-something levels. And once you leave you have to start from the beginning again. So make sure you have lots of potions, time and all the items and you'll probably be fine. I actually thought the Cave of Ordeals was fun.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Im at hyrule castle i have all items i have the 4 bomb bag upgrades the 2 quiver upgrades 2 bottles of blue chu jelly one bottle of rare chu jelly and one bottle of great fairy tears and the magic armor.... am i ok to do all 50 floors?

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
Likely….I personally would replace one of the Blue Potions with a fairy just to be safe……but you can always just save before taking on the Cave and try something else if you fail during your first attempt :yes:


An Hero of our Time
Sep 19, 2011
Right behind you in a camo suit ;)
It isn't too difficult as long as you have decent skill in melee combat, are strategic with item use, and have sufficient potions/ chu jelly, which you do. a suggestion: use the ball and chain often; it is very useful when fighting multiple enemies and does a lot of damage.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Im at hyrule castle i have all items i have the 4 bomb bag upgrades the 2 quiver upgrades 2 bottles of blue chu jelly one bottle of rare chu jelly and one bottle of great fairy tears and the magic armor.... am i ok to do all 50 floors?

WOWZER. I'll say you are. Yes, you definitely seem to be equipment-wise. But I suggest you set about an hour of your day aside so that you can go through this slowly and methodically. The beginning stages are rather effortless to pass; you should be able to get through them without any damage if you're careful enough. Then the enemies grow much harder as you progress. Depending on the enemy I'd recommend holding back on using certain expendables, such as the arrows and bombs. Those come in handy when sniping some foe-types from afar, or dropping explosives onto a particular group of Bulbins that come to mind. There are also Archer Bulbins on towers, so beware of those.

Over time you'll come to meet Darknuts, the hardest adversaries in the Cavern of Ordeals, and more of those bestial which breath ice at you. Be extra cautious around them. They cause the most energy to drop. Taking them on individually will help reduce the chances of you falling and having to restart, despite how many restorative methods you have stored.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Okies one of the things i'm dreading is a fight with ReDeads but i know they can be slain via Ball and chain i have 1000 rupees on me as well so i'm gonna stock up on 120 bombs and some bomblings because they supposedly good, only real problem i have is i tend to die through stupidity mainly, i have a tendacy not to plan a attack, i'm fairly sure i can kill 2 darknuts so long as i'm scrapping with anything else.
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Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
Cheap method for Darknuts that I used….just drop Bombs on the first few that may notice you up there……the only thing that screwed up my plan of that was one of them threw their sword and it made me fall :rolleyes:


Shows over folks!
Oct 27, 2011
I only stumbled upon the cave of ordeals once during my first playtthrough, I battled to the first great fairy then just left because I wanted to get on with the story. I knew I was unprepared, I only had two fairys ( as I always do ) and I didn't have the magic armour, I hadn't even cleared the Arbiter's grounds yet, so I just left, I wasn't counting the floors, just killing the enemies, hoping to get some treasure at some point.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
lol there's no treasure in there apart from some rupees i think not sure but i do know every 10 floors the great fairy releases faires to a spring if you get the 50th floor i dunno what happens


May 9, 2010
Almost got through the place...until one of those darknuts hit me...I only had one heart left...so I knew I was screwed....I knew I should have saved those fairies

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
Complete the Cave of Ordeals and....

The Great Fairy will also appear in all the Spirit Springs, and she will give you one helping of Great Fairy Tears whenever you want…..you may only hold one helping at a time though.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Well i have succeeded in completing the Cave of Ordeals all 50 floor in 1 hours 26 minutes 33 secs (yes i actually timed myself), best way to win keep those arrows and bombs on standby for the later levels when you have a level with keese use the gale boomerang to bring them to you and save the Magic Armor for Floor 49 it has 3 Darknuts and they spam you if you take all down together or singularly, make sure to have the 2nd wallet upgrade because you can lose a looooot of rupees in this scrap.

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