I'm just not going to participate in any future questions. I'd rather be Vanilla Town than bother with this precise timing trivia B.S.
I think he was referring to the questions that Mez and Fun Fun had been posting. Unless I overlooked something.Does this not go against your NLP since you said you did answer a question after this?
I think he was referring to the questions that Mez and Fun Fun had been posting. Unless I overlooked something.
Answered!I was gonna post the next question in a few hours but I'll be too busy playing skyward sword so here it is now.
Question 14 is: This is the name for a secret network of trails that escaped American slaves commonly used to come into Canada, a place where they were guaranteed relative freedom.
Last question of the day will be around dinnertime.
WutI was gonna post the next question in a few hours but I'll be too busy playing skyward sword
It's not a lie to change one's mind. Hypothetically, you could decide you don't want to have kids ever right now, and then 10 years down the road change your mind, that doesn't mean you were lying when you said you didn't want to ever have kids 10 years ago.Does this not go against your NLP since you said you did answer a question after this?
Why would that look bad on Rag? If I flip town, it SHOULD look bad on whoever voted me into oblivion (a number of people which currently includes you). Rag unvoted me because, given the setup, it is statistically incredibly unlikely that the mod would have given a Bodyguard role to the Mafia (such would be a completely useless power). There are no Vigs, so, for balance reasons, the Mod wouldn't give the Mafia a bodyguard role. Ergo, I can't be scum unless you don't believe the Bodyguard claim.If Zinger flips town, it's gonna be a bad look on Rag.
Also, I answered a question first but wrong earlier, and my reward was to be a miller.
I also have a NLP. So if I say I am a 1-shot doctor variant, then you can trust that I am in fact that unless you think I am choosing to break a No Lie Policy that I've upheld for a decade or so. If y'all still want to lynch me tomorrow, go right ahead, but doing it toDay when I have the power to protect someone toNight (and/or draw a NK for making this claim) is just stupid and very anti-town.
With his NLP, he's either still not answering questions, or DID answer one for an action. Which is it?Bodyguard. I am a 1-shot bodyguard. Meaning, for any unclear with what that means, I can protect someone from a kill like a Doctor, but if I am successful in protecting them from that kill, I die in their place.
It's one thing to say "I don't want to ever have kids" and refrain from having any, and another to say "I won't have kids any time soon." Just to have some 9 ot 10 years down the line. However, The way you worded things regarding the questions Mez and Fun Fun have been asking that's what people are on your wagon about.It's not a lie to change one's mind. Hypothetically, you could decide you don't want to have kids ever right now, and then 10 years down the road change your mind, that doesn't mean you were lying when you said you didn't want to ever have kids 10 years ago.
Or, you're lying about having a 1-shot Bodyguard from answering a question. Which is it?I'm just not going to participate in any future questions. I'd rather be Vanilla Town than bother with this precise timing trivia B.S.