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Calling All Lore Nerds

Jan 11, 2021
Is there enough tangible evidence to suggest multiple timelines before the split in OOT?
Yes, the killing of Demise in the past and the presence of Demise in the present suggests a split timeline.

Unless your a priori assumption is that the timeline is linear, and then there are two logic leaps (Impa hid the Master Sword and the Imprisoned was residual malice which is suggested by the new Sealing Spike).

There's also the Oracle of Ages-like Tree of Life situation.

There is also the Minish Cap alternative ending and the Four Sword in Ganon's Pyramid in A Link to the Past.
Nov 12, 2023
Lakeside Laboratory
Yes, the killing of Demise in the past and the presence of Demise in the present suggests a split timeline.

Unless your a priori assumption is that the timeline is linear, and then there are two logic leaps (Impa hid the Master Sword and the Imprisoned was residual malice which is suggested by the new Sealing Spike).

There's also the Oracle of Ages-like Tree of Life situation.

There is also the Minish Cap alternative ending and the Four Sword in Ganon's Pyramid in A Link to the Past.

Where do you suppose the Master Swords Locations are (yes indeed plural) Between "Skyward Sword" and "Ocarina of time?"

The term "Imprisoned" suggests he "has" (past tense) been imprisoned,
Who else do we know has been imprisoned by this point in Timeline Lore?..

the following is a link simplifying the "2 Master Swords Paradox"- Canon.

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