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Bound Together RP


The Eigth Sage
Nov 12, 2012
Heh Heh Heh...
Leoni lets out a laugh. "I'll bet it does. So, since you're not in hiding like everyone else, I'm, going to guess that you're against Ganondorf too."


please play etrian odyssey
Jun 22, 2012
do you really wanna know
After putting the food in the hold, Rikka had asked if Atasuki could visit, which the leader said yes to. Rikka was now back where she had met Atasuki. Looking around, she saw the girl with a Zora. She walked over to the Zora. "Hello there! I've always admired Zoras for their swimming! I'm Rikka, I come from a large fishing village! And who are you?"


The Eigth Sage
Nov 12, 2012
Heh Heh Heh...
"I'm Leoni Nirü. Nice to meet you. Oh, and this is my new friend, Nhoj, who is trying to find his girlfriend to make sure she isn't harmed."


The Eigth Sage
Nov 12, 2012
Heh Heh Heh...
Leoni went over to the dead Stalfos and examined the body before it vaporized. "You know, with my brain, Rikka's swiftness, and Atasuki's skill, we could create a team to defeat Ganondorf. We could call it...eh, I don't know."


"HEY!!!" Aleph yelled. The Moblins stopped. This gave enough time for the Kokori to race into their houses."Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Sneering, two Moblin (Mobli? Is that the plural?) rushed at him. They didn't stand a chance. With lightning-like speed, he jumped up onto one of the moblin's head, thrust one sword through it, jumped down, deflected the other one's spear, and stabbed it through the heart. They dropped like stones. He stood, looking around. There were a lot. He thought he could handle them, but he wasn't sure. He got into a battle stance, ready to fight.


The Eigth Sage
Nov 12, 2012
Heh Heh Heh...
"We should check other places, like The Kokiri Forest to see if there is anyone willing to join us. We'd have to keep as quiet as possible though, we don't want Ganondorf catching word of this."


The Eigth Sage
Nov 12, 2012
Heh Heh Heh...
"And yes, I'd love to accompany you to your village. Maybe we can recruit someone there to help us. Nhoj, you coming?" All the boy did was nod his head.

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