((Yes, Paco9 did Sign-Up. I just checked.))
Leoni heard a cry of help nearby, so he dashed to see what it was. Inside of the Zoran Shop was a young buy, no older than 12, trying to fight off a Stalfos. Leoni tapped the Stalfos shoulder. It turned around to see what was tapping him, WHACK! Leoni punched it's head off. He asked the boy what he was doing here. The boy said his name was Nhoj. He had lived in Hyrule Castle Town. He like to train sword fighting. When Ganondorf took control again, he had fled with his family. His family let him venture off to find his love, Htebazile, and see if she was all right."Aaaawww." Leoni said. "That's so sweet. Um, I mean that's very honorable. I'm on a quest to defeat Ganondorf, want to join me?" The boy stood up, smiled, and shook Leoni's hand.