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Bloodstained Blades: RP


Sage of Tales

Demise gathered his sword-demon into his arms. He was still breathing and warm. This was good.

"We're going home," he said.

The sword-spirits were unlike other souls. The humans had their own cycles. All of the people that Demise had slain today would join the nature spirits and the Golden Goddesses, or else be reborn. Spirits artificially created from objects by him and Hylia, such as Girahim and Fi... their fate as unknown. There was a distinct possibility that Girahim would disappear forever if he "died." Demise, as rough as he was, was determined not to let that happen to his favorite sword.

He was gentle and easy boarding the Loftwing with his cargo.


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
Ghirahim starts shaking, "overloaded". He had grown unused to the taste of blood and pain, and it sickened him since he began to feel for Fi. He grew hot in Demise's arms, a fever developing.
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
Hylia slowed near the village. "I was too late..." she murmured...
"I understand, Fi. I will not return for a while... please inform me of any change with Ghirahim. I do not want him to die, either..."


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
Fi..... I can't handle it..... I can't kill like I used to..... I am so sorry, my dear... His voice fades away. He grows worse.


Sage of Tales
Demise rode his bird hard - just what the Loftwing could take. He did not want to lose his steed, too. He carried Girahim to his own bedchamber in the silver castle and laid him out in the bed. Demise was normally a god of endings, the bringer of necessary misfortunes to keep the cycle of the world going, but he knew some healing spells. Hylia had taught him how to access healing energies.

He ran his hands over Girahim, willing a golden glow over him. He did not know if this would work, if it would be too late.

He could sense that Fi was absent from the castle. He really needed her around. The swords were counterparts to one another. If Demise couldn't save Girahim, Fi probably could.


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
Ghirahim grew slightly better with his healing, needing Fi. Please..... My dear..... I need you.....


I make my own fate!
Oct 7, 2012
Anything she did helped only a little, but it was so much more than physical. He was at war with himself, Demise's orders and the taste of blood against the affection and love for Fi

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