I'm a very tactical Zelda player, and I love to have as much variety in my combat as possible, so I loved the Biggoron Sword. That's not to say I used it all the time, though; I used it mostly on enemies with larger weak points or that were particularly slow moving, so I don't have to risk getting hit. There are also just certain types of enemies and scenarios that call for the shield, and others for the Biggoron Sword. On large groups of enemies that weren't projectile-based, I would generally use the Biggoron Sword. I like to switch things up a lot, so I use the Master Sword and Biggoron Sword equally, I'd say. I didn't want the Master Sword to feel obsolete.

That isn't to say I relied on the shield much, I used it more as a precaution. I was always much more of a dodging person than a shielding person anyway, but I still used the shield on occasion.
OoT Spoilers(?)
That being said, I actually consciously decided
not to use the Master Sword for the final phase of the final battle. I figured it wouldn't do any damage, because there was so much emphasis on the Master Sword being knocked away that I figured the Biggoron Sword wouldn't damage him at all. I think the Biggoron Sword actually stops doing damage to him at a certain point in the fight, though, to trick up the people who
did think that the Master Sword was entirely obsolete.
So anyway, I pressed on with the majority of the fight with no sword, because I'd rather test out how to damage him without a sword, because it obviously had to able to be done, as the Biggoron Sword isn't a mandatory item. I fought him for about half an hour trying out all sorts of non-sword related shenanigans, eventually whittling down his health the hard way with bombs until I was prompted to pick up the Master Sword.