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Best Music in WW



This is really a hard one. It is so many good songs in WW.

The best must be Ocean Theme, especially the Ocean Redux version made by Zelda Reorchestrated!!
Other good songs are: Dragon Roost Island, Farewell Hyrule King, and Molgera Battle.

I wil also say the WW has the best overall soundtrack :)

February Eve

ZD District Attorney
Mar 21, 2010
Context is important to me when considering background music. When Link goes to awaken Makar, the Korok is practicing a song. Considering how big of a role music already played in that scene, the song needed to stand out on its own. And I think it does. The ocean's theme has a different challenge; especially in the beginning, when you can't do a lot, it's going to be one of the main elements of the scene that people notice, but it also needs to match the mood for when you're exploring. It's also very uplifting and encouraging, which befits Link's personality. It could have been more suspenseful and mysterious for a different game and protagonist, but Link holds (or will hold) the Triforce of Courage. He needs something that indicates bravery and an eagerness to seek out adventure.

The Hyrule Castle theme is a good contrast. It adds to the atmosphere; it's solemn, mysterious, a bit foreboding even. It's regal, while at the same time I feel a sense of lost history while listening to it. And it has to do all that when actually, it's probably not what catches your attention in that scene - the discovery of Hyrule Castle with all those monsters seemingly frozen in time is what struck me about the scene. The music helps make the moment, but it's not the focus of it. That, too, is good music.
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Sep 20, 2008
I absolutely adored the Hyrule Castle theme! :D It was a brilliant remake of the ALttP version, and it fitted the mood perfectly. It was sad, but regal in a way.

Another theme I adored was Windfall Island. The upbeat tones combined with the fruitful residents and significance of the island to the plot makes it a great fit. :)
Nov 27, 2010
This game has some of the best music in the series! My first thought would be Dragon Roost Island, or either of the sage awakening songs. However I think the best music in the game has to be the battle music when you fight a mini-boss (like the knight in Tower of the Gods, or the Stalfos in the Earth temple). I don't know why that music appeals to me so much (and you can't even listen to it that long) but it has to be the best.

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