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Majora's Mask BEN?


Forever I am Abandoned
Mar 2, 2010
In the middle of Kansas...
You shouldn't have done that. Seriously, there is already like over 9000 threads on this topic.


Although I find the story of Ben very interesting, I don't believe in it. Still pretty creepy though, I wouldn't play MM for a while after I read it. My borhter and I were planning on making a movie about it until we saw the 3-part fan movie of it, it's pretty cool but it leaves a lot out.

You met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Mar 3, 2011
I LOVED the BEN stories. One of my faves. I'm showing a friend, actually. Good buddy of mine. His name's MATT. (HAHA! Just kidding. That's not his name. Did you get it, though?) Like I said, great story, It makes a good story for telling around a campfire with marshmallows and a bunch of fellow Zelda fans. (Sighs....) That would be great.... Brass tacks, BEN is one great story, and I found it very intriguing, because it was unpredictable, as well as a very original story. I Would love more stories like the story of BEN to be drifting around on the net, but sadly, such a masterpiece comes very rarely. All we can do is read that one again and again, and enjoy it each time.
Aug 2, 2010
Uhh what's ben? really what is it
A while ago there was a story about a man who bought a MM cart from an old man. After playing it and attempting to fo a glach, however, odd malfuntions that dont seem accidental start to apperar. It's very eeriee, and soon you find out that someone called BEN (who supposudly drowned) is in this cart, taking the form of the Link statue. I recommend you waltch the videos that others members posted, they are the BEN videos.
However don't take it too seriously, the one who "owns the cart" admitted himself that it was fake, soon after the conclusion of the story was posted.

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