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Game Thread Avatar: The Last Airbender Mafia

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Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
Time for the ghosts to come in

Hello I died on night one because of you I do not approve

I knew Libk was scum as soon as Miss Cucco claimed. Thought there were too many investigative roles. Looked back. Remembered Mafia had a role cop who died Day 2. And who better to use it on Night 1 than Mex to see if it's safe to get on his wagon or not. So Mafia already knew Mex was lying. But I thought that Minish_Link was a scumbud along side of Libk because she (1) was the first to say "I am town" and thus getting the rest of the town to follow through and (2) repeatedly insisted Libk was saying the truth. I was wrong about that

You guys did great! It was fun to watch. Thanks Pendio for modding the game~ The amount of killing roles in this game made the set up quite interesting and the roles were all really cool!
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Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
Claiming cop (or similar claims, like this one) as a mafia is always a ticking bomb. When you claim it, no matter how clever and tactfully you did it, it leads almost always to your own death in the end. You can simply not confirm every townie, so you have to avoid questions by giving excuses like that you have checked the dead guy etc. If you survive for a few more days, eventually it is almost inevitable that you become suspicious again.

Your claim was executed really well, you did not lose because of any mistakes there. I think you lost because you were the only mafia member left alive. Having claimed lie detector, it was almost impossible for you to survive till the end and there was no one else remaining.

Cop claims do are the best claims, they are incredibly fun to fake :P

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I have a general policy to believe softclaims, and I thought Lie Detector was a role that was feasible to be in this game. However, it was after funnier flipped Role cop that I realized Libk had a good chance of lying, since I would have been a good night 1 role cop target, and I'm surprised nobody actually caught on faster. Also, I started hitting myself after I died because something didn't add up, and I realized the post Libk quoted when he said I was lying was not a direct statement, and therefore would not have been valid in a lie detector test. It was odd that you picked that post though, because in a later post in day 1 I flat out said I was vengeful. Once I caught on to that, I had Libk caught. And, to be completely honest, I'm surprised that little detail went overlooked for so long. I thought at least somebody would've noticed that flaw.

I'm happy with my reads this game overall. I successfully read Eduarda and Kokirion as town, funnier and Domo as scum, and Alit as anti-town. The game would've ended sooner if Storm hadn't roleblocked me (btw you have no idea how salty I am about that XD), since I did indeed target Domo night 2.

Libk, you played well. Ironically, though, it was your claim that made me catch you as scum. If you hadn't claimed the way you did, I would've thought you were town through the end. Also, @A Link In Time, if I was alive I probably would've Vig killed you after your claim, just so you know. I don't trust third party, no matter how much they may seem like they want to help the town, in the end they're playing for themselves.

Overall, this was a fun game. For all who were wondering, I was planning my Vengeful claim from the start, and was playing scummy on purpose too. If Libk hadn't forced me into claiming (:ananger:), I think I could've kept playing it out and sniped the mafia from the side, but oh well. I enjoyed the time I spent in this game, and I also enjoyed my first ever go as Vigilante! Thanks for a great game, Pendio! :)
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Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
@A Link In Time I'm curious, were you actually siding with the town during Day 1 and 2? All your actions seemed to have been more leaning towards increasing your chances of your own survival than helping town

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Also, I just want to say that I think this is an example of a game that was won by claims. I think Libk could've won if process of elimination wasn't available, and Alit wouldn't have needed to claim. I'm all for people claiming, I mean I did it myself, and Libk's fakeclaim was good, but I think there was way too much claiming towards the end. That's why I put a strict limit in my games, because I think claiming is what sealed the town's victory in this game.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
@A Link In Time I'm curious, were you actually siding with the town during Day 1 and 2? All your actions seemed to have been more leaning towards increasing your chances of your own survival than helping town

I believe I posted about this in the thread, but my reason for killing you was partially to get someone suspicious of me out of the way and partially to figure out who exactly was being wagoned on Day 1. The kill on kokirion was mostly in the dark. I thought he might have been a deep mafioso because his posting reminded me of the way he played in Night Hut Mafia so I decided to shoot him.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
K guys, I haven't read everything yet, but I've skimmed it, and here are my basic thoughts.

First off, @Eduarda your plan to coordinate my lynch is heavily flawed in many ways, but my main concern is that you're intentionally putting the pressure of choosing somebody on me. Envision yourself in my position, you would not want that. And for all we know, all the people you listed could be town. It's just too risky of a plan for me to be on board with it.

Here's what I'm proposing; we lynch someone else today, someone who most agree is suspicious (perhaps one of the people on Eduarda's list), and if that person is town, then by all means go after me again tomorrow. But for day 1, the risk of lynching two townies in a game of this size, especially with the near guarantee that at least one townie will die during the night, is not worth it. Even if I wasn't speaking about myself, I would feel much more comfortable lynching someone else over someone who is Vengeful (there, I full claimed, though everybody knew what role I was softclaiming in the first place). At least during the first game day, the risk is too big. Losing two townies the first day is one thing, but three or more, depending on the number of night killing roles there are? That's outrageous in a game of this size (although, my role makes me doubt the existence of a Vig or SK, but it's possible; even still, my point doesn't change). Just some food for thought.

Sorry I can't say much more or answer questions that people may have asked me (like I said, I only skimmed so I probably missed a lot of stuff). With my internet issues, added to my crazy hectic work schedule, I can't say much more right now. Although I will go along with what Eduarda said earlier.

Vote: Extension

At this point, I'm leaning towards either Alit or EMIYA, though I also wouldn't disagree with an Eduarda lynch if that's where it heads (I kind of believe her to be town though, just because of how hard she's pushing for the lynch of a Vengeful townie; mafia wouldn't want to do that, though I'm not discounting the possibility).
If you're talking about this post and the highlighted segment, that seemed even more of a stretch. I wasn't sure if this would pass off as a direct statement, as you didn't directly state you were vengeful, but that you wouldn't want to lynch someone who is. Twisting your other post seemed easier, as it seemed more likely you could be checked based on the one I quoted. I thought long and hard between the above post and the post I chose, thinking that
I would advise against lynching me or my replacement, lest you intend to die with me.

This was more direct. "Don't lynch me, you will die" Is that true or false. well in this case false. Whereas the other statement was "I feel much more comfortable not lynching vengful" Is more an opinion thing.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
If you're talking about this post and the highlighted segment, that seemed even more of a stretch. I wasn't sure if this would pass off as a direct statement, as you didn't directly state you were vengeful, but that you wouldn't want to lynch someone who is. Twisting your other post seemed easier, as it seemed more likely you could be checked based on the one I quoted. I thought long and hard between the above post and the post I chose, thinking that

This was more direct. "Don't lynch me, you will die" Is that true or false. well in this case false. Whereas the other statement was "I feel much more comfortable not lynching vengful" Is more an opinion thing.
For some reason I remember direct claiming, but I guess I never did. Maybe I was subconsciously avoiding any direct statements, idk lol. Your claim was good anyway.


Srishti is annie is eduarda right?
May 28, 2010
Ontario, Canada.
By the way, @Eduarda, what exactly did your role do?
Storm got it spot on.
Since the game is basically over I think it's ok to post my role PM?
Pendio said:
Greetings Eduarda and welcome to Avatar: The Last Airbender Mafia! For this game you will be Iroh, the Firesmith. Once each night you will be able to sneak out and investigate any player in the game to find out if the player is a Firebender or not. Every member of the Mafia is a Firebender, but keep in mind that you may have fellow Firebenders in the Town as well.


You are on the Town’s side, which means that you win when the Mafia has been eliminated.

Please confirm that you have received and understood your role in the sign-up thread here: https://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/avatar-the-last-airbender-mafia.60219/ If you have any questions regarding your role or the game in general, do not hesitate to ask me about it in private.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I believe I posted about this in the thread, but my reason for killing you was partially to get someone suspicious of me out of the way and partially to figure out who exactly was being wagoned on Day 1. The kill on kokirion was mostly in the dark. I thought he might have been a deep mafioso because his posting reminded me of the way he played in Night Hut Mafia so I decided to shoot him.
I love being third party. I think it's my favourite alignment to play as tbh, because you don't need to follow a side and can simply favour whichever side you feel is more likely to win. I haven't been third party very often, but I've had some of my most fun games as third party (notably Koki's Lucid Dream game from 2015). I feel like you were kinda doing your own thing at the beginning and then started to align yourself with the townies because the game was playing in their favour, which is why I think SK is such a fun role to play. You can twist it at any point with little self consequence.

Storm got it spot on.
Since the game is basically over I think it's ok to post my role PM?

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I feel like Pendio tried to balance this game by adding so many investigative roles to counter the killing roles lol. The way it was designed, it feels like the scum would either win explosively early or the town would win eventually through claims and investigations. This was a pretty damn risky set-up to run, but I've gotta give Pendio props for having the cojones to do so.
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