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Ocarina of Time Are You Ready for the Terror?


Archer Extraordinaire
Aug 31, 2009
Fishing pond
Yeah the shadow Temple will be a lot scarier with the better graphics at least I hope so. I think Lake Hylia will look absolutely brilliant with the new graphics.


May 24, 2009
Paranaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Ironic to most of you people, I actually am looking forward to how the readeads, Dead Hand, Gibdos, Wallmaster, Happy Masksalesman and Bongo Bongo will actually look like in the new Ocarina of Time.

It's because of the creep factor they give, they make you feel unsafe and on edge, you loosing your composure and when you slip up, they suck the courage out of you and they attack. What else I'm looking forward to is the scream the Redeads will do when they go near you. It might make kids cry in the middle of the night, but it will contribute to a well, darkened Shadow Temple.

Caleb, Of Asui

That's probably actually one of the graphical enhancements I'm most excited to see, but at the same time sort of scared. I don't know exactly how frightening this is going to end up being. From what we've seen, most things throughout the game will still look basically the same, but the blood stains on the walls will easily be far more obvious and far more horrifying, although I doubt exactly where they appear is going to change much. I try to stay away from entertainment that's just too bloody and horrifying, but in the case of N64 Ocarina of Time the primitive-ness of the graphics made it quite tame. Obviously, though, using 3DS graphics we may be looking forward to a reall... nightmare. O_O


Todo is the pfuf!
Apr 28, 2011
Am I the only one who, as a kid, thought the Shadow Temple was silly, yet the Well was terrifying?

Still do, a little. Apprehensive getting to the Lens of Truth, yet completely nonchalant Shadow Temple. Never really found it that scary.


I really did love the shadow temple, but my biggest fear is the forest temple...I know I'm gonna freak out when I'm playing it..... Arg. :(

But it will all be worth it. <3


Wait, I'm not the only one that gets scared at these video games?

I just doubt it'll be as freaky as Twilight Princess, though.

...except for the Dead-Hand. *shudders*
Feb 23, 2011
I think the N64 graphics are kinda what helped the Shadow Temple (along with all its horror/undead based enemies) be scary in the first place.

It's like those old bad horror movies with the clay animated creatures and stuff. The movies themselves weren't all that scary story-wise, but the way the little clay monster things jerked and moved about made them wicked scary in their own right.

What I'm getting at is the grapical enhancement can make some things not so scary anymore. The old N64 graphics may have been a factor in why Shadow Temple was scary in the first place. My Nayru though! ...the Dead Hand? *shivers*


For the Greater Good.
Apr 3, 2011
That place you can never find.
I can't wait to see if the shark in Lake Hylia Lab is (still) there cause that'd be awesome. I wanna see King Zora do his epic sideways scoot xD [\kinda off topic]

I'm not really sure it is gonna scare me as much as when I was younger... I mean I'm used to things being scary (Thanks to Dead Space [One and Two]) so it probably won't scare me as much.


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
I think the N64 graphics are kinda what helped the Shadow Temple (along with all its horror/undead based enemies) be scary in the first place.
I agree with you there. but i think the graphical enhancements and improvements to the game will up the ante on the scary level. I mean, this is being totally re-done, so everything's being updated. Just imagine the bllod-stained walls and torture devices in full 3D! i, unlike some people, can't wait!


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
I never really found anything in the Legend of Zelda series to be frightening. Creepy when thought about, sure, but nothing scary. I found ReDeads more annoying then terrifying. Maybe if the Legend of Zelda looked more realistic and graphic then maybe some enemies would look scary if they went the dark and gritty route.

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