I'll get it one day, maybe in like 4 years when I can find one cheap off craigs list or ksl. I'm really not to exited about it, and just can't see myself buying one unless it gets some AMAZING games on it.
I honestly think I will after the price drops. I to among several people have been getting back into a different console gaming with the Xbox 360 being my fallback. Actually I will either way but I'll probably wait until the WiiU has a bigger game library and has a Zelda game. As for now I think I am content with the recent games I just ordered! Mirror's Edge and The Orange Box!
I will be purchasing the Wii U on day one, because it looks very fun, and eventually a Zelda game will come out that I will have to play so I may as well buy it right away.
If ere a Zelda game with the Consle I'm there. Even if it isn't coming with one we still got an amazing list of games to come and it does look like a good Consle. And if anyone here ever thought of wanting an IPad why not buy the Wii U which is almost the same but it also plays games! Either way it looks good and there's no way I'm not getting it.
Depends... if it has Xbox Live's type of online gaming and achievement system I will get it, if not, I'll wait till a price drop and Smash Bros being released