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Are you formal when it comes to writing?


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
So when you write an application, document, story, essay or even a letter are you formal? Are you as specific as you can? Do you check if you made any mistakes?
When it comes to applications I try to be as specific as I can and also be formal. When it comes to writing stories I try to be as specific as I can especially with details and when it comes to documents I'm usually sorting things out.
I usually check a couple of times if I made any mistake. Spell checkers are very useful but not when it comes to writing in a foreign languaga


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
In applications and letters I try to write formally. But if the response is fairly casual, which in my line of work it usually is, I’ll switch to match their style. I find it keeps things flowing and gets you where you need to be. But I start as professionally as possible because I don’t like to assume or give the wrong impression.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
I'm not a very formal person, but I take great pride in writing proper grammar, which is actually the main reason I prefer writing my stories in English rather than Norwegian. That is because when you write dialogue in Norwegian you have to either ignore the dialect or you have to ignore proper spelling and grammar rules, so either it looks really bad on paper, or it sounds really bad in your head. Unless all your characters are from the capital and surrounding area, that is.
Jan 1, 2019
Really depends on the situation and to the people who I am writing to. Cultural differences between countries and between private/work internal/work external contacts are really difficult but also very important to take notice of.

Do you check if you made any mistakes?
Oh yes, I really hate it myself when I receive mails - or even worse, official documents - full of spelling errurs.
Jul 1, 2018
Same here. It depends on my purpose. Writing is not my strong suit and I used to apply to professionals to help me with all these paper works in college. And I still go to these guys when I need writing help. In my private life I'm not formal, but I always check all my writings for grammar and spelling errors.
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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Typically, in messages and forum posts, I don't really care. I try to be coherent, but not necessarily formal.

In a professional setting, however, such as when I email people for potential opportunities, I try to be as formal as possible. I have good writing skills when I really care and try, so I like to reflect that when the situation demands it.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Really depends on the situation, in general i tend to forget capital letters and even fullstops but if it's for something serious (work and what have you) i tend to go formal, sadly being formal doesn't work when you're left handed cuz my god the smear lines THE SMEAR LINES!
Depends on what I'm writing about and who I'm writing to. I have the tendency to get very wordy and long-winded in writing if the topic is something I'm passionate about, and the tone can get serious somehow despite me being a meme lord. Even in like Discord chats with one-line messages, if the subject matter is just right, I'll like break out pretentious vocabulary without even meaning to. But usually I'm pretty informal with my writing.
Aug 18, 2009
I'm a writer, so checking up what I write is part of that. I don't want to post a story full of typos, for sure. I also tend to be formal and write as best as possible. Your style defines you, when it comes to stories, anyway; applications and other stuff is different.
Nov 17, 2014
I'm usually formal in writing. Unless I'm texting my best friend, I triple check what I say. I've "trained" myself for years to write well because I find it tedious to go through my short stories to edit grammar issues, when I could have just written it properly the first time. That being said, I don't care about formal stuff if I'm taking notes or outlining my next chapter/essay, as they're not the real document, they're just the raw beginnings.
Jun 12, 2018
Depends on what I'm writing about. But mostly I'm quite formal 'coz I don't have writing skills. I ooften apply to writing services to help me with my writings. I check reviews on Paidpaper.net to find the best one.
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