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Are the Twilli Gerudo?

Saint Ravenboo

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
Oct 9, 2023
It says the Interlopers are Hylian, which is who Gerudo marry and have children with.
I have a question. Where did you get the information that Interlopers are Hylian? It's never once stated that in the games.

Daku Rinku

Member of Gerudo Secret Club
Jun 1, 2023
Following My Tall Gerudo GF Around
Oct 10, 2017
There is a theory that the Gerudo having so few males is forced on them, and not a genetic thing, so having more males when out of reach is plausible. Though... I can only think of one confirmed female, and one male, Twilli. The rest may look more or less masculine, but I don't recall their genders being referenced.

Saint Ravenboo

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
Oct 9, 2023
Zelda Wiki, but doesn’t the game show The Interlopers come from Hyrule to invade The Sacred Realm?
No, it doesn't. It only shows symbolism, but never the actual invasion. They do come from Hyrule, but it's never actually explicit on what race they are.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
The Twili are described in the Japanese version of Twilight princess as descendants of a group of sorcerers who tried to claim the triforce. There is no indication they were of a particular race as far as I can remember.

I will say that the majority of them are not likely Gerudo. As Ganondorf states how Midna's people have amused him for a long time and that their magic was petty (Gerudo magic is not petty as far as Ganondorf is concerned) and the fact he looked down upon their attempt to defy the gods (knew he could do a better job himself). Were they originally his own people he would unlikely have said it in this condescending way considering he took the form of a Gerudo himself and has at least some respect for the race.

This is speculation on my part now but I also get the impression that the war involving the sealing of the sorcerers is one and the same with the Hyrulean civil war and took place 9 years before Ocarina of Time. Ganondorf was around during that time period and likely saw for himself their attempt to obtain the triforce get thwarted which resulted in it's sealing and led to him formulating a better plan to get at it.

Prince Sidon

King of the Zora
ZD Legend
Apr 5, 2024
Zora's Domain
There is a theory that the Gerudo having so few males is forced on them, and not a genetic thing, so having more males when out of reach is plausible. Though... I can only think of one confirmed female, and one male, Twilli. The rest may look more or less masculine, but I don't recall their genders being referenced.
That's what @Daku Rinku siad

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