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A Link Between Worlds Aonuma: "Rupees Will Play More Important Role In ALBW Than Ever."

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Following the latest Nintendo Direct, Aonuma posted a mysterious screenshot of a shop in the Dark World with a Nabbit like keeper that was hotly discussed on Zelda fansites like ZD. Now we might have an explanation for the image.

Speaking to Official Nintendo Magazine, Aonuma had this to add, Collecting rupees, the currency of the Zelda world, will be very important in this game. You might think that was the case with all the past games too, but I must say that this time it will be more important than ever and you will need to collect a great deal of them...Shops in the past Zelda games sold things that would run out once you use them like arrows and bombs, items that needed replenishing. They have never sold an item that doesn't go away after each use like the boomerang or the hookshot.


Skyward Sword greatly improved the Hyrulean economy, and A Link Between Worlds appears to be following suit. But how will this system be implemented without dragging the game out through grinding? In the extensive footage we've seen of the ALBW Tower of Hera, Link possesses the hammer between entering the dungeon, supporting the theory that items will be acquired through purchase outside of dungeons. This might be a far stretch, but could A Link Between Worlds be the New Super Mario Bros. 2 of Zelda?

I'd like to hear your thoughts below.


May 18, 2013
Both this game and NSMB2 are for the 3DS, money must be a running theme for the console. Maybe Nintendo is trying to tell us something...


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
It prints money. :right:

Anyway, yes ALBW will be much like NSMB2 in that money is a central focus where it would otherwise be that thing to up your score. Rupees buy items; with said items we complete dungeons. And while that practically ensures non-linearity, I still haven't heard anything from Aonuma-san on that. ;p


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
HA! I was right! We WILL be purchasing items from that shop in the Dark World. In the words of Atticus:


:xd: This just made my day. I never doubted you JJ! Your posts about it always told me that it could be very quite true and I'm glad your prediction came true! ^^


May 18, 2013
Collecting rupees, the currency of the Zelda world, will be very important in this game. You might think that was the case with all the past games too

I assume he's only talking about WW and SS....


The Mauve Avenger
Jul 22, 2013
Secret Woodland Acting Training Area
Cool, looks promising. With the shop that we've seen it seems as though ALBW isn't gonna be as linear and let you do it your own way, good stuff!

They have never sold an item that doesn't go away after each use like the boomerang or the hookshot.

Two items previously found in dungeons. And with 20 item slots does that mean we'll see a lot of new items in dungeons?


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere

But it seems like your one-at-a-time prediction was wrong, so haaaaaaa...


I first posted a thread strictly saying that the items would be purchased. Nothing more. I later had that thread deleted and made one going over the multiple possibilities as to what the shop could be, one of which was the same exact thing.

Not sure how I made a prediction involving renting the items.
Jul 1, 2013

I first posted a thread strictly saying that the items would be purchased. Nothing more. I later had that thread deleted and made one going over the multiple possibilities as to what the shop could be, one of which was the same exact thing.

Not sure how I made a prediction involving renting the items.

In the thread you gave two possibilities: That items will be purchased, or that items will be "rented". You go on to say "I think the second option is most likely". Sounds like a prediction involving renting items to me.
Jul 22, 2011
Actually, I recall Link's Awakening selling a few permenant items in its respective shop, but perhaps they were optional.


There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I hope it's just a tiered buying system where the items get more expensive depending on when you need them in the game. I don't mind grinding for rupees since it was something I did regularly in the original LoZ in order to have arrows and replacement shields.

I'm not fond of a renting system where one item replaces another, as it reminds me of Four Swords and how they used the items. I understand why they chose that way for that particular title, but I still wasn't fond of it.

Come to think of it, I would much rather the return of rupees counting as arrows as in the first game. Include bombs as well and remove them from the magic meter! I'd have no problem with that.

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