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- Jun 15, 2020
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– Page 2 –
Foswell in Fetters
By Ned Leeds
Last night, after a spectacular bout with that spectacular Spider-Man, the Bugle's very own Turin, also known as Frederick Foswell, was revealed to be the Mafia don "Big Man". He solidly held his own, but was defeated by the costumed hero and subsequently arrested for his crimes. However, according to rumor, there is a chance for Foswell to be redeemed if his old boss bails him out and hires him back. Whether the fine folk at the Bugle are willing to forgive him, well, that remains to be seen.
Foswell's connections to a group known as the Enforcers is suspected. This group has been linked to Daniel "Fancy Dan" Brito, who is suspected of being responsible for the murder of friend of the Bugle John Jonah Jameson III.
With the Big Man and Electro arrested and the mafia don Hammerhead deceased, our investigation into Turin has revealed that there is still at least one non-mafia threat remaining in the active player pool, as of last night. There may still be hope for the Town! Remember to stick together, New York City!
[Bolded lines in this article are mechanically confirmed and fact checked by the mod as true.]

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Letters to the Editor
Matt Murdock said:LETTER TO THE EDITOR
Citizens have every right to be concerned about the recent crime wave and gang violence. As an attorney, this kind of thing is my business, and while I'm usually facing the material in such a way as to be heard in and only in court, troubling recent developments have come to my attention through unofficial channels, such that I feel obliged to divulge the details here for the public good.
First, the "Mafia" in this city started out with several opposed Dons vying for the title of "Kingpin of Crime". These dons are known to have included the late Crime Master, Wilson Fisk (despite evidence that he at least at one point did not hold the actual "mafia" alignment), Hammerhead, and The Big Man. Not all of these necessarily had substantial followings, but some did. Individual members of the mafia could be released (becoming Survivors) by the death of their Don or by their Don's leave; it's unknown if this applies to all members or only certain provisional members.
Previous appearances by "The Kingpin of Crime", meanwhile, are known to have multiple individuals responsible for them, as various parties claimed the name at different points over the last few days. Further, it's worth noting that the Mafia has acquired quite a few illegal firearms, and can use these guns in order to violate the protections normally afforded to citizens.
Recently, however, a meeting of the surviving Dons was called, at which it's reported an individual calling himself "The Green Goblin" was in attendance. The details of this meeting are unknown to my sources, but the result was evidently a truce between the major opposed houses, leaving it up in the air what would become of the competition among the city's underworld for the title "Kingpin of Crime". Or at least, that's how it would have rested save for an encounter that a friend and client of mine suffered.
Suffice to say, I was surprised to hear that my friend had been visited by certain rough individuals, claiming service to a particular but unnamed party. Having a letter personally delivered by courier would be strange enough, though not unheard of given the treatment that witnesses to major crimes are sometimes given, but in the contents the unnamed author declared that soon the titles of both "Kingpin of Crime" and "Green Goblin" would soon be held together by this single individual, suggesting that the previously unknown Green Goblin that attended the meeting may have brokered a unification of the previously disparate mob forces, or else might have the power to coerce the mafia dons into line. My friend did not know who else to turn to, but seeing as this is not related to the events for which I am retained as a lawyer, I think it worthwhile to add in as a matter of public knowledge.
Even as a blind man, I can see that little good would come from this "Green Goblin", or any of the Dons, securing a stranglehold over New York. Our fair city has endured some tough times, that's true, so New Yorkers need to band together in a moment like this in order to answer the rising threat. The police and courts are doing all they can, especially in terms of maintaining the coordination necessary to see these threatening figures arrested. The recent incidents of masked vigilantes, such as The Human Torch and Spider-Man, may be taken as heartening signs by some, but New Yorkers need to be aware that we can't sit idly by and allow days to pass in vain while waiting for supposed "Superheroes" to solve our problems -- this is a matter we need to take ourselves, through the legal avenues that have always been available. Now is a time for action vote wisely and be sure to write your local city council representatives to ensure they're taking action!
Innocent citizens seeking legal counsel in these trying times are encouraged to inquire at my office. Rates are negotiable.
-Matt Murdock, of Nelson & Murdock
Dear Mr. Murdock,
Interesting stuff. Happy to see the creation of more Self-aligned survivors so long as none of them are threats to the Town.
Anonymous said:Ok, so here's what I want to write to write in a letter to the editor anonymously.
I have hard evidence that Exlight is Joesph Hammerhead Maggia Don. I'm not sure whether they are really silenced. They are roleblocked at the time of writing, so being silenced does seem possible. It could be part of the gang war. Maybe the newspaper can investigate further?
- A helpful citizen
Dear Anonymous,
It looks like everyone knows Ex's identity pretty definitively now, but the role-blocking is news to me.
Anonymous said:Character Name: Clark Kent
Player Name: Dekunut
Alignment: Lawful Good
Desired Salary: $500 a day
Why We Should Hire You: I'm just a small town country boy from Smallville, USA. I graduated from Gotham University in Journalism, and I can write quite the Article
Dear Anonymous,
Very funny, Storm.
Anonymous said:Dear Editor,
My dog got arrested for peeing on my ex's lawn and I just found out that my "sister" is actually three gnomes in a trenchcoat. What do I do?
-Confused in Connecticut
Dear Confused in Connecticut,
Maybe post about it on Reddit or something, they'll believe anything. This is above my paygrade.
Anonymous said:Great puzzle last issue!
This is clearly the view through a rifle scope of a person gardening at night. So I guess the answer is "sniper".
Also, is this a threat?
Your Fearful Nocturnal Watering-Can man
Dear Anonymous,
The correct answer is actually

– Page 4 –
Editor's Note—Green Goblin Grabs the Gold?
By Joseph "Robbie" Robertson
Dear Readers,
The Green Goblin, after possibly killing ExLight, declared himself the new Kingpin of Crime. Many speculate that his identity is KoD, but it's still too soon to say. Thanks to his murdering of our photographer, we've been forced to make due without any photographs for the time being.
Keep up the good work everyone,
Robbie Robertson
Contact Us

– Page 5 –
ExLight ExTerminated
By Joseph "Robbie" Robertson
Last night ExLight, also known as Joseph Hammerhead was killed. He is alleged to be the mafia aligned don of the Hammerhead-Mafia group (a sub-alignment of the fractured mafia). Had we managed to succeed to meet his threshhold, he would have been lynched. The reason we were unable to ever contact him via wire-transfer for comment has been discovered since there was no bank account found matching his name. Is ExLight really who he said he was and just good at hiding his money? We may never know now.
ExLight is suspected to have been killed by the Green Goblin, who remains at large.
[Bolded information in this article is mechanically confirmed, but not fact-checked by the mod.]

– Page 6 –
JJJ's Rants—The Menace Strikes Again
By J. Jonah Jameson
Another night has come to pass with another murder being committed while this supposed Spider vigilante does nothing about it. Instead this Spider Jerk decided to trash a car with the Big Man while pretending to be “helping” this community. You tell me how wanton destruction is supposed to help any community? I’ll wait.
The fact of the matter is this Spider clown is no better than the petty thugs he plays with each night. I know it. You know it. He knows it. It is no surprise he hides his face behind that mask, he has to hide the shame of stealing precious resources from the city and framing innocent men!
One day perhaps this fool will see the error of his ways and take great responsibility for the miscarriage of justice he’s currently subjecting us all to and turn himself in. When that day comes I hope I’m there to see them rip that stupid mask off his stupid face.

– Page 7 –
Spider-Man "Frames" Daily Bugle Staff Member?
By J. Jonah Jameson
Eye witness reports have been trickling in all night of a battle between The Big Man and the recent vigilante arrival, Spider-Man. The two shared a back and forth on the streets of the city with no regard for civilian causalities. Luckily, the two managed to not do serious harm to all involved with the exception of what is speculated to be the District Attorney’s brand new BMW. The Big Man managed to give the Spider the slip at some point during the fight. Unsubstantiated reports indicate that Spider-Man then acquired the Big-Man’s costume before planting it at the home of Frederick Foswell in order to have him arrested as the Big Man. The authorities, however, have confirmed that Big Man's identity is, in fact Fredrick Foswell. Foswell now finds himself behind bars with a $45,300 bail while awaiting trial.

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– Page 9 –
Classifieds - The Daily Bugle is now Hiring!
The Daily Bugle is looking to hire a photographer, reporters, and possibly other staff.
Please write a Letter to the Editor validated by your character name with your character name, player name, alignment, desired salary and anything you'd like to say about why you think we should hire you.
Application enclosed below.
Application said:Character name:
Player name:
Desired salary:
Why we should hire you:
Puzzle Corner
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(I didn't actually sort colors by difficulty necessarily).

– Page 10 –
Calvin and Hobbes



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