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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

Jul 8, 2023
"What's wrong? Run out of quips so soon?" Foswell slowly approaches Spider-Man, still slumped on the ground after impacting the car. "It makes me sick, the way you're using all these nut jobs in costumes to make a name for yourself. I may be a crook, but at least I'm an honest one! So-called heroes like yourself need to be useful for your grift to work, so I'm sure there will never be an end to all these supervillains if I leave you to your own devices. As the future Kingpin of Crime, I can't let that kind of havoc loose in my city." His weapon now within a range that would be nigh-impossible to avoid, the Big Man allows himself a gloating smirk as he looks down at his target. "To borrow a phrase... this town just isn't big enough for the two of us."

He pulls the trigger.


Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
Someone parked illegally here! Hopefully they have insurance! Listen here Large Guy...or was it The Biggest Dude? No! I got it! Giant Human! I've been called worse than a genetic freak. At least my taste in costume is better than yours. That hat is sooo not you.
Spidey web grabs his hat and wears it. It's very large on him, comedically so.
More my style don't ya think?
He throws the hat back at him like a frisbee, striking his throat. He uses that moment as a distraction, to get up close and personal, delivering a swift blow to the stomach. He holds back from his true power, or this guy would have a spiderman hand shaped hole, instead causing him to buckle to his knees.


Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
(Spidey didn't see the double post because it went on a new page. Assume this post was before the last one. My bad!)
Slow motion. Tingles across the back of his neck. The tightening of Foswell's finger. A voice that's not a voice telling him with every fiber of his being, MOVE. Before the trigger is even fully down, Spideys head is thrown to the left. A bullet hole appears where his head was seconds ago. He flips up, kicking Foswell backa few feet, and lands on top of the car.
Sorry my man! Guns don't work on me too well!
Jul 8, 2023
Foswell groans in pain, the padding of his suit offering little protection against superhuman attacks. He'd expected the web-slinger to put up a fight, but this was absurd! How do you fight someone who can dodge bullets? But still, no matter how agile or strong this opponent was, it did not change the fact that he was human--and that meant he could be beaten, given the right plan.

Knowing full well he would not have the help of his Enforcers, the Big Man had taken a little extra insurance with him this evening. While his right hand maintains a firm grip on his magnum, his left grips a canister of blinding chemical foam concealed in his oversized pocket. If Spider-Man got too close again, he'd be ready to retaliate.

"Your style is to get attention. Mine is to get results!" He raises his gun once more and fires off several shots, aiming to keep Spider-Man off-balance. He couldn't keep up those fancy acrobatics forever. All it would take is one slip-up...


Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
Hey buddy, you're gonna hit someone! Just give up! You can't even hit me!
SPIDEY cartwheels out of the way, counting bullets out. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Rotating towards an empty street. No Spidey sense telling him someone is in danger. Good. 7, 8, 9. Gosh, how many bullets does this gun have?
Woah! You sure don't want to give up huh?
SPIDEY shoots webbing out at the big man's eyes, blinding him.
Can't hit what you can't see!
Jul 8, 2023
As Spider-Man wheels backwards into the open street, the Big Man makes his way over to the gun he dropped earlier and retrieves it--he'd need every last bullet at his disposal. The web shot catches him on the side of his face, blinding one eye. Damn! If only he still had his mask... But he'd put a bit of distance between them. Now it was time for the follow through.

"You're right, Spider-Man... Maybe I can't hit you. But not everybody can dodge bullets like you can. Let's see you protect someone other than yourself!"

Foswell turns and barrels into the lobby of the apartment building behind him, crashing through the glass doors and making a beeline for the emergency stairs. He'd break into the first apartment he could find--anybody would do--and use a hostage to keep the hero in check.


Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
Damn it's like he read my mind! Spiderman looks up and notices an open window. He wip zips both sides of it and slingshots himself into an old ladies apartment. She is watching T.V. on her couch. Spiderman zooms by her.
Hey there neighbor! Please ignore the sounds of punching you might hear in the hallway!
He opens the door and dashes down the hallway faster than any normal human could. A quick beeline to the only stair case. He gets to the top of the stairs before big man can even get halfway up.
Hey Biggie Smalls! You ain't gonna be taking any hostages today! Honestly, pretty low blow!
THWIP! THWIP! Spidey adheres both his hands to the railings.
This is gonna hurt you more than it'll hurt me!

Spidey slingshots himself down the stairs, his feet connecting square with his tiny face, sending him flying back into the street, Spidey landing directly on top of him. He notices both guns are still stuck to the railing behind him. He points his wrist down at his face.
The sooner you give up the less this is gonna suck. I've been going easy on you man!
Jul 8, 2023
The Big Man nearly blacks out from pain, the powerful kick to his sternum and subsequent fall having cracked several ribs. He can feel other injuries as well, but he has no time to consider them now. His only option at this point is to escape. As Spider-Man looms over him, he activates the spray nozzle of his canister of blinding chemical foam, which fires in a line directly at the hero's face! At this range there was no avoiding it. Even through a mask, the chemical agents it contains are strong enough to produce a severe irritant effect that would incapacitate a normal person for several minutes--which may only be seconds against a superhero.

With the very last of his strength, Foswell scurries away down the nearest side alley, hoping to lose his assailant before he regains his senses. He sheds his costume and disposes of it in a nearby dumpster, betting that a lack of evidence would be enough to avoid trouble with the law once they arrived. After all, who else had seen his face but Spider-Man, a mere costumed vigilante?
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Jul 8, 2023
((P.S: I think it's worth noting that, given my limited flexibility in this fight, blinding chemical foam is one of the few things I can pull directly from the comic.))

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Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
Spidey sense kicked in just enough to avoid real damage. Luckily the masks eyes are pretty thick. Still, it hurts. It itches. When spiderman looks around only 10 seconds later, he barely catches a glimpse of a shadow in the alley.
He finds the Big-mans suit.
What the Big Man doesn't know is that Spidey knows who Frederick Foswell is. Daily Bugle is something Spidey knows well. He's got friends inside it after all. Been there a few times. And it doesn't take long for Spidey to track him down.
Spidey does what a spider does best, and creeps into a corner, and waits.
When his tiny frame enters the door, Foswell sees the Big-man suit hanging on the wall.

He also sees the receipts he kept when he bought the clothing for the suit. And then he sees Spiderman.
Hello again.

Spidey webs him to the wall.
Jun 15, 2020
Never in a million years did this (somewhat biased) Mod think that The Big Man could beat Spider-Man in a FIGHT.

And indeed I was proven right, in the end, for Spidey did win.

But just the same, how wrong I was for assuming it would have been a cakewalk for our webbed hero, because Turin ended the fight with a whopping 17 points, while Spider-Man only scored 18!!!

How close this was. How close indeed! Well done, Turin. You put up a good fight! But alas...

Spidey, to the victor, go the spoils.

Turin is turned over to the Police, and Arrested with help from your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man!

He is Frederick Foswell, a.k.a. The Big Man.


"And I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling freak!" -Foswell, Probably

Oh, and also, ExLight was murdered in his sleep. He was Joseph Hammerhead, a Mafia-Aligned head of the Maggia.


With 20 players in the Active Player pool, Day 5 will last for 104 hours.
Deadline is set for Monday, October 2nd at 7 PM Eastern Time.

Click here for an accurate countdown.

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<< Start of Day | < Last Vote Count | Game Status Post | Today's Daily Bugle | Next Vote Count > | End of Day 4 >>
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Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
Anyone else think they can take on Spidey?
I've been holding back! Next one won't be so lucky!


King of Lorule Lounge
Staff member
Jan 19, 2018
An excellent fight.



IT IS NOW DAWN. Day 5's Deadline has been set for TBD.

Click here for an accurate countdown



Click here to navigate to the Day 5 Amazing First Vote Count


Currently CLOSED.

The Daily Bugle: None
Fisk International: Norman Osborn
OsCorp: Norman Osborn
Roxxon Energy Corporation: Norman Osborn


Storyline: N/A


Mod Note: Crossed-out player names represent previously held characters and do not count as being "a player in this pool" for the purposes of abilities and win conditions that care how many players are in a given pool.


  1. Andjalo
  2. Asfinyti
  3. Asfinyti
  4. Asfinyti
  5. Captan_Lunch
  6. Doc
  7. dragonteacup
  8. Freddeh
  9. HangryHangryHippo
  10. KingofDominaria
  11. lain
  12. LittleGumball
  13. Princess Abigail
  14. Ragnarokio
  15. Rubik
  16. Silverfish
  17. Skystone
  18. Spiritual Mask Salesman
  19. Tevish Szat
  20. Vroendal

  1. Princess Abigail was the Mafia-Aligned Burglar
  2. Storm is Electro
  3. Turin is The Big Man

  1. Tevish Szat was the Origin-Aligned Radioactive Spider
  2. Stability was Origin-Aligned Mac Gargan
  3. Morbid Minish was Town-Aligned Flash Thompson
  4. Killjoy262 was the Mafia-Aligned Crime-Master
  5. Paranoid King was Town-Aligned John J. Jameson III
  6. TheCapsFan was Origin-Aligned Adrian Toomes
  7. ExLight was Mafia-Aligned Joseph Hammerhead

  1. Aaarrrgh
  2. Mint Elv

  1. Hello World
  2. DuskyBlue

  1. Nobody. Want to join the game? Hit me up.

Replacement Continuity:
PARANOID KING replaced NEOSILK, ANDJALO replaced DARKSTAR, & LITTLEGUMBALL replaced THEATOG (who appears in thread as "deleted member 97076" cuz he ragequit the entire forum)


Jun 15, 2020

Anyone with Roxxon shares makes NO MONEY FROM THEM TODAY.

Sucks to suck. Still, no profit is better than the LOSS of money they suffered yesterday.

Hopefully, Roxxon will recover by tomorrow...

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