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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

Jun 15, 2020
"HEY ELECTRO!" Shouts the colorful red-and-blue-clad superhero over the cacophony of the raging Storm, "HOW MANY SPIDER-MEN DOES IT TAKE TO REPLACE A LIGHTBULB?"

Electro shouts back, confused.


"Just one;" Spidey says, after knocking Electro out. "Provided he's wearing Rubber Gloves."

(Also, the Stock Exchange has closed for the Day)


Day 4: Spectacular Second (and Final) Vote Count

a.k.a. The "Electro gets arrested after pleading innocent despite destroying a power plant and killing a dude" Vote Count

Storm (6.5*): Ragnarokio, LittleGumball, dragonteacup, Spider-Man (with Rubber Gloves), Princess Abigail, Spiritual Mask Salesman
Ragnarokio (2): Electro (x2)
dragonteacup (2): Electro (x2)
ExLight (1): Andjalo
LittleGumball (1): Electro
Spiritual Mask Salesman (1): Electro

*Storm's vote count IS displaying accurate numbers now, thanks to Spider-Man!

Storm's Threshold has been reached, and he has been Arrested. Storm is identified as Electro (shocking no one).

Not Voting: Asfinyti, Asfinyti, Asfinyti, Captan_Lunch, Doc, dragonteacup, ExLight, Freddeh, HangryHangryHippo, KingofDominaria, lain, Rubik, Silverfish, Skystone, Storm, Tevish Szat, Turin, Vroendal

With 16 available Standard Votes, it takes 9 votes to reach a Majority.


With 22 Players in the Active Player pool, Night 4 will last for 56 hours. The Deadline is set for Monday night at 10 PM Eastern Time.

Click Here for an accurate countdown.

  1. Princess Abigail votes ExLight
  2. Spiritual Mask Salesman votes ExLight
  3. Andjalo votes ExLight
  4. Ragnarokio votes Storm, then unvotes and votes Storm again for some reason
  5. Electro votes Ragnarokio, twice[404: Error, vote link not found]
  6. lain votes Doc
  7. lain unvotes
  8. LittleGumball votes Storm
  9. Electro votes LittleGumball [404: Error, vote link not found]
  10. dragonteacup votes Storm
  11. Electro votes dragonteacup [404: Error, vote link not found]
  12. dragonteacup votes The Green Goblin [404: Error, player name not found]
  13. dragonteacup votes Storm
  14. Electro votes dragonteacup [404: Error, vote link not found]
  15. Spider-Man votes Storm, wearing a pair of Rubber Gloves! Ingenious!
  16. Princess Abigail votes Storm
  17. Electro votes Princess Abigail [404: Error, vote link not found]
  18. Spiritual Mask Salesman drops the hammer vote on Storm
  19. Electro votes Spiritual Mask Salesman [404: Error, vote link not found]
  20. Storm's Threshold has been reached, thus the Day ended here and no further votes are counted (for posterity, there were five additional votes for Storm after this that were not counted, as well as five votes by Electro that were not counted).

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King of Lorule Lounge
Staff member
Jan 19, 2018



IT IS NOW DAY 4. Day 4's Deadline has been set for Sunday, September 24th, at 9:00 AM Eastern time.

Click here for an accurate countdown.


ExLight (3): Princess Abigail, Spiritual Mask Salesman, Andjalo
Storm (2.5*): Ragnarokio, LittleGumball
Ragnarokio (2): Electro (x2)
LittleGumball (1): Electro
dragonteacup (1): Electro

*Storm's vote count is not displaying accurate numbers.

Click here to navigate to the Day 4 Amazing First Vote Count

Currently CLOSED.

The Daily Bugle: None
Fisk International: Norman Osborn
OsCorp: Norman Osborn
Roxxon Energy Corporation: Norman Osborn


Storyline: N/A


Mod Note: Crossed-out player names represent previously held characters and do not count as being "a player in this pool" for the purposes of abilities and win conditions that care how many players are in a given pool.


  1. Andjalo
  2. Asfinyti
  3. Asfinyti
  4. Asfinyti
  5. Captan_Lunch
  6. Doc
  7. dragonteacup
  8. ExLight
  9. Freddeh
  10. HangryHangryHippo
  11. KingofDominaria
  12. lain
  13. LittleGumball
  14. Princess Abigail
  15. Ragnarokio
  16. Rubik
  17. Silverfish
  18. Skystone
  19. Spiritual Mask Salesman
  20. Tevish Szat
  21. Turin
  22. Vroendal

  1. Princess Abigail was the Mafia-Aligned Burglar
  2. Storm is Electro

  1. Tevish Szat was the Origin-Aligned Radioactive Spider
  2. Stability was Origin-Aligned Mac Gargan
  3. Morbid Minish was Town-Aligned Flash Thompson
  4. Killjoy262 was the Mafia-Aligned Crime-Master
  5. Paranoid King was Town-Aligned John J. Jameson III
  6. TheCapsFan was Origin-Aligned Adrian Toomes

  1. Aaarrrgh
  2. Mint Elv

  1. Hello World
  2. DuskyBlue

  1. Nobody. Want to join the game? Hit me up.

Replacement Continuity:
PARANOID KING replaced NEOSILK, ANDJALO replaced DARKSTAR, & LITTLEGUMBALL replaced THEATOG (who appears in thread as "deleted member 97076" cuz he ragequit the entire forum)


No story now, woo!


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
I wonder if the dons meeting happens every night
Jun 15, 2020
Night 4 is officially over!

It is now Dawn. Dawn will last (hopefully) no more than 24 hours. Then Day 5 starts. For some of you.
Jun 15, 2020
The DAWN has yet to break. It is the wee hours of the morning when those who were active during the Night start to wind down, and those who will be active during the Day have yet to wind up. The quiet hour of the morn', when all is still; the only time New York really sleeps.

At least, that is, unless you are SPIDER-MAN!!


Yes, that's right, your eyes don't deceive you... That's THE BIG MAN, tearing up city streets on a war-path as he tries to defeat our colorful costumed protagonist. The leader of the Enforcers and would-be Kingpin himself (there are a few of those going around these days). And right now, he is out for Spider-Man's blood!

"Where are your Enforcers, big guy? It feels almost unfair having to tango with you one-on-one. You need backup!" Shouts the webbed wonder.

"They're busy. Besides, I don't need anyone's help to defeat you," the deep voice shouts from behind the mask. "I'm more than enough!"

"That so? Well then I got to know who it is who is so full of himself that he thinks he can take me on by himself,"
Spidey retorts, as he shoots a web right at the Big Man's "face" and yanks, pulling the mask clean off.

Revealing Turin underneath! The Big Man is Frederick Foswell, of the Daily Bugle! Everyone is shocked! He's such a small guy, no wonder no one thought he could be the Big Man underneath the disguise!

"Big mistake, hero. Now I am not just going to kill you, I'm going to tear you limb from limb and parade your dismembered parts around as a warning to all who would challenge the might of the BIG MAN!!"


@Turin and @Spider-Man are in a FIGHT!

A random time limit has been set.

For this fight, Turin has a posting limit of 12.

Spider-Man has a limit of 14.

It is early morn', and no one is up to cheer for one or the other, but should the Day break before the Fight ends, CHEERING WILL BE ENABLED AT THAT TIME.


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Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
Hey Big man! Not so big now are you?
Have a nice trip!

Spiderman loops webbing around his feet, tripping him and causing him to crash down onto his face.
See you next fall!
  • Like
Reactions: Doc
Jul 8, 2023
The Big Man stumbles, one hand going into his jacket and the other bracing his fall as he lands on his knees. He looks up at Spider-Man with a hateful glare, locking eyes with the vacant white voids of the hero's mask... and in that moment, a thunderous bang echoes out over the empty street! A hole the size of a golf ball, edges smoldering, has opened in the front of The Big Man's oversized suit, the glint of a concealed .44 magnum barely visible within. The first bullet whizzes past the hero's head--but the ones which follow are aimed squarely at his heart! Standing up in one smooth motion, the gun is brandished and fired repeatedly, Foswell's steely gaze never once losing sight of his adversary.


Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jun 24, 2020
A tingle races across spideys body. He backfips as bullets wizz by him, articulating his limbs to avoid the hail of bullets. Midair he lets loose one web strike, covering the nozzle of the gun. He lands lightly on his feet.
Hey, Tiny wanna try again? I can already see tomorrows Bugles Headline! The one where the large man compensating for something fought the spiderman and lost!
Spidey launches two webs out and slingshots himself feet first square at Turins head!
Jul 8, 2023
Using the nimble hero's attack against him, The Big Man simply ducks out of the way, allowing Spider-Man to fly past his target and crash instead into the side of a nearby parked car. As the alarm starts to blare, Foswell turns to speak.

"I wouldn't act so high and mighty if I were you, kid. We're both wearing costumes here. Just because you're some kind of genetic freak doesn't mean you get to talk down to me."

The web-covered magnum is discarded, and a second appears in Foswell's hand. This one he holds tight to his body, making sure not to present another easy target as he draws a bead on his foe.

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