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Am I the only one who prefers 3D Zelda games?

Oct 25, 2016
I could be wrong, but the general consensus seems to be that 2d zelda games are better. I love all Zelda games but I personally far prefer the 3D ones. There's just far more than can be done in 3D compared to 2D. Combat is more in depth, more complicated puzzles, platforming and other things in comparison.
Oct 2, 2016
New York
The 3D games are just way more engaging in a lot of ways. You have your home tv screen, massive dungeons, inventive bosses, the graphics... what more could you want from your Zelda experience?

The 2d games are awesome and underrated for some of the traits listed above (bosses are really creative, let's give them some credit). I find the puzzles really intense in the 2d games in a way that doesn't happen so much in the 3D ones.
Oct 2, 2016
After playing the 3D Zelda games especially WW and TP, I do prefer them since they provide a better sense of exploration imo. But I still do like the 2D ones. xD
Oct 19, 2016
Uhh dude, it's pretty well split between preferring 2D or 3D here, outside here, there's even more preference for 3D.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Yeah, like others said, I think most people prefer the 3d games. OoT, TP, and MM are all super popular. I feel like some of the 2d games are only played by people who are really into the series. The Oracle games, Minish Cap, Link's Awakening, and the Four Swords games get some love, but aren't really popular like all of the 3d games. Personally, I don't really have a preference.


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
I'd say most prefer 3D. Personally, I think it's a bit sad that we haven't had a true 2D-zelda (sprite based) since the Minish Cap. Most peoples response to that here is "But sprite based are bad/worse graphics than 3D models". That's wrong, it's just different. Of course you can have an opinion like that, but it's not a fact.
I would be glad if they had a good mixture of the two, like they had around the early 2000's.

Agent of Majora

Herald of the Consumer
Oct 27, 2014
New York
I prefer 3D by a large margin. I think that it may have to do with just how much more innovative and challenging the puzzles and enemies tend to be in the 3D games.


The beast that dwells within the Shoutbox
Oct 18, 2016
just your imagination
Dungeons look way cooler in 3D. Only in a 3D game can you enter a dungeon like Snowhead, look up, and see how high up you've got to go.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
I prefer 3D. It definitely adds a new dynamic to the world that 2D games have a hard time replicating.


"Look at those sideburns...that's true grit!"
Oct 7, 2016
I always thought most people prefer 3d because they are longer and you get to play them on a bigger screen. I personally like 2D better for the portability aspect. I guess the switch will be the best of both worlds.
Oct 25, 2016
I have seen many people that prefer to 2d games. When Link Between Worlds came out, there were people saying it was the best Zelda game since Link to the Past. Perhaps it's mainly people who grew up in the 80's playing the original games and have a harder time getting into the newer ones. I know that Ocarina of Time is one of the most popular games ever made but I hear lots of people going on about how Link to the Past is the greatest thing ever made.


The beast that dwells within the Shoutbox
Oct 18, 2016
just your imagination
There are portable 3D Zelda games.

In the case of the 3DS, literally 3D.
I believe we're talking about 3D environments, not stereoscopic 3D. In that case, the only two 3D Zelda games on a portable console is Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, both if which are remakes.

In conclusion, those of use wanting a new 3D Zelda game on a handheld console have been denied, up until Breath of the Wild, where we will have the option.

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