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Spoiler Advantages and Disadvantages of the Partners


Sage of Tales
Reading one of the entries on the main (about a Fi-centric fancomic) got me to thinking about the relative merits/demerits of the various partners in the Zelda games, or at least my opinions on what I thought their advantages/disadvantages are. Spoiler-tagged just in case.

Starting from the top:

Advantages: Identification of enemies and their weak spots (I found this very useful), ability to clue you in as to where to go next should you lose your way (no doubt useful for young/inexperienced players), and I thought the part in the end where she decided to stand by you no matter what when facing Ganondorf made her cool (character-wise).
Disadvantages: "Hey! Listen! Watch Out!" and "Dagnabbit you freakin' fairy, I KNOW I should go back to Kakariko/Death Mountain/up the river-wherever! I'm trying to find heart-pieces/rupees/am having fun riding Epona right now, leave me alone and SHUT UP already!"

Advantages: Less annoying prompts than Navi (the bicycle bell sound), entertaining snarky attitude, an actual character-motivation of her own (wanting her brother and friend back).
Disadvantages: The prompts are still kind of annoying, less helpful than Navi in identification of ememies and weaknesses (she does it, but sometimes leaves you with a blank, i.e. "This is a disgusting toad. I hate it").

The King of Red Lions
Advantages: He doubles as your transportation! He also has a mystic air about him and made the game feel like "sailing the seas with Sean Connery." He also has a tragic bent at the end that I just loved, storywise - He gave his life to save the future and to mark the passing of eras. Aw.
Disadvantages: He doesn't follow you into battle so he doesn't give you intel for that, sometimes he talks to me when I'm trying to climb aboard him, which is annoying.

Advantages: She's Midna - 'nuff said! Okay so she's hands-down my favorite of Link's partners. Why? Not only is she entertaingly snarktastic, she is actually a well-developed character in her own right with her own mysterious and tragic backstory that's unviled as you play the game. Of all the partners, I think she might potentially be the most frustrating the work with if you had to deal with her in real life, because of her initial rudeness, but for the fictional world of Hyrule and gameplay, her abundance of "character" makes her awesome. She has a lot of character-growth, going from rude little imp with possibly dark motives to someone who begins to care about you and who you (or I, at least) grow to care about.
Disadvantages: That laugh is sometimes grating. She doesn't have the enemy/weakness identification system at all - she advances the plot and helps you get places, but she doesn't help you much with intel on enemies.

Advantages: An enemy identification system that is like Navi's and Tatl's and then-some. She even tells you what your battle-rating is against particular species. She has an indentification system for characters/NPCs that I enjoy (hey, I'm a fanfiction writer, I like all this canon character/species info stuff)! Like Midna, she generally stays out of the way unless you specifically call on her or something relevant to the plot happens. The ending where she finally found "happiness" for her robotic little heart got me misty. Her crazy dancing is entertaining, too.
Disadvantages: Though out of the way most of the time, when she's in the way, it's rather agressively. Her analyses seem to go on forever and they're very often of things I know or have a good guess at already (she's Captain Obvious, bless her analytic little robo-heart). I like her singing, but she looks really creepy when doing it - that smooth shiny face and pupiless eyes makes her "song face" a bit uncomfortable for me.

As for others, Ezlo, Ceila, Linebeck, they're from games I haven't played.

Give your own opinions. Analyze the partners like Fi, encourage their advantages like Navi and snark at their disadvantages in a way that would make Midna proud!


Jun 22, 2011
United States
IMO Ezlo, Linebeck, and Midna were the only ones whose advantages outweighed the disadvantages for me. You included Linebeck but actually he's more of a character than a helper IMO (they could be both but I think you'll understand what I mean). I could understand the classification as a helper though because he's with you most of the time on the ship. Obviously I'm different, but every other helper detracted from their respective games for me more than they helped.

I recently replayed Wind Waker, and I remembered what always bothered me about the King of Red Lions. He doesn't let you explore the sea until you've beaten the first two dungeons which seemed like a very pointless restriction.
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You Mean, Green Thing
Mar 11, 2011
Amsterdam, NY
The thing about partners is that they all...have similarities? So it's hard for me to pick out separate advantages and disadvantages. I love that they are there to help you, identify enemies, and give you hints. It makes my life easier when Navi pops up and helps you target enemies.

Yet, they all come in sometimes and give you dumb information that, yes, you understand and have realized that already within the second or so of entering the room. Sometimes they take forever, and don't tell me that you haven't wished a few of them dead before. (Yeah, Navi, that means you!)

Overall though, I think they have a pretty even advantage/disadvantage ratio. If they were truly horrible and useless characters, I'm sure Nintendo wouldn't have put them as helping characters.

But my favorite helper is Midna. <3 Come on, she's so funny and cute!
Oct 13, 2011
Advantages: She's Midna - 'nuff said! Okay so she's hands-down my favorite of Link's partners. Why? Not only is she entertaingly snarktastic, she is actually a well-developed character in her own right with her own mysterious and tragic backstory that's unviled as you play the game. Of all the partners, I think she might potentially be the most frustrating the work with if you had to deal with her in real life, because of her initial rudeness, but for the fictional world of Hyrule and gameplay, her abundance of "character" makes her awesome. She has a lot of character-growth, going from rude little imp with possibly dark motives to someone who begins to care about you and who you (or I, at least) grow to care about.
Disadvantages: That laugh is sometimes grating. She doesn't have the enemy/weakness identification system at all - she advances the plot and helps you get places, but she doesn't help you much with intel on enemies.
This is exactly what I was thinking while I was playing TP. If she explained about the enemies, she'd have been the PERFECT helper. :(
She's still my favorite though. :)
She's also great in that she's the only one who actually fights together with (Wolf) Link. And the transforming, and the warping...
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Rare Addict

Site Staff
Jun 15, 2010
United States
Not sure if I'll be adding anything new to this thread, as this just seems to be a Midna festival. :P Yeah, though, despite not being particularly useful in terms of identifying enemies, Midna is the best of Link's companions, and my favorite video game character (no kiddin'). She's one of the relatively few Zelda characters with a genuine arc, provides a level of expressiveness that's about on par with most recent animated films, and has an endearing personality that comes across even when she's toying with the young protagonist. On top of that, she's pretty heavily involved when it comes to combat and transportation.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend

Advantages: Most nostalgia driven partner in series history. Seriously is there anyone who doesn't remember this female fairy. It's good Nintendo was successful in creating an exceptional first true partner in series history, enemy analysis, most faithful partner (Navi never abandons Link until his quest to save Hyrule is completed. :)).
Disadvantages: Annoying as heck!


Advantages: More developed and less annoying than Navi. Though Tatl was personally not nearly as dynamic and memorable as Navi, the fairy represented a huge step forward in terms of character development and set the stage for the King of Red Lions and Midna. Also, her name is an extremely nice pun. :P
Disadvantages: Very loosely connected to rest of series.

The King of Red Lions

Advantages: A helper who has an extremely intimate connection with the story. The King of Hyrule always was an extremely well-developed character whether as ship or boat. It was he and Ganondorf that made the story so moving.
Disadvantages: None.


Advantages: Very useful companion who cuts to the basics of what you need to know on your quest and briefly recaps the scenario each time you return to playing; also extremely hilarious.
Disdvantages: Occasionally annoying. ;)


Advantages: Very fleshed out character who has strong relationship with villains in game, useful in dispensing information, a beautiful-and I mean beautiful-women at game's end! Midna was a template for all helpers after. Shame Fi disappointed...
Dsiadvantages: Annoying.


Advantages: A sidekick who displays an evil side. :D The fact that Linebeck can overcome his greed in order to assist you is a testament to his strength as a character. Nintendo should start leaning away from pure helpers more often.
Disadvantages: Cameo in Spirit Tracks is disappointing.

Zelda (Spirit Tracks)

Advantages: Appeals to contemporary teenage culture very much. The player can't help but feel embarrassed for Link when Zelda states at the beginning of the game, "Me...go with him?". Also, it's nice to see the damsel of distress take on a more prominent and center stage role once in awhile. Nintendo was wise once again. Very well played.
Disadvantages: Annoying shrieks when confronted by mice in Phantom form.


Advantages: Return of enemy analysis! Has arguably the best music theme in Zelda helper history! I can literally listen to Fi's them over and over again for hours! Ingenious, Koji Kondo. Also, Fi appeals to scientific minds and is a foil to Ghirahim but also a direct complement. Fi is to Link as Ghirahim is to Demise. Very well played on Nintendo's part.
Disadvantages: Annoying mechanical voice! :mad:
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Sage of Tales
I didn't even think about the character theme music - I like Midna's, but I LOVE Fi's! I have been going there and back again to Zelda Reorchestrated *waiting* for them to do Fi's theme so I could have it for my MP3 player and have been... le dissapoint.
Jan 1, 2011

Advantages: Very useful companion who cuts to the basics of what you need to know on your quest and briefly recaps the scenario each time you return to playing; also extremely hilarious.
Disdvantages: Occasionally annoying. ;)

How exactly was he annoying? The only times when he actually said something was when you put the game back on and he updates you what you need to do. Other than that he gives you tips.

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