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Adult Link or Kid Link


Cave Story pro
Jan 7, 2012
I would have to say this one is hard to answer. Both adult and young link have advantages, so I am going to have to say that this is a tie. Sorry I could not answer your question but I just can not pick! Great question though!
Apr 6, 2012
Adult Link is waaay better. I always feel weird playing as a child, and it just seems ridiculous for a 10-12 year old to be saving the world>.<
Besides, adult Link gets better adventures...
May 5, 2012
Adult link, what impressed me the most when I first played zelda being a kid (oot) was that you were a boy who took a magical sword and grew older and stronger to become the hero of time, I miss the "growing up" concept of Zelda oot, it was in my opinion the most fascinating about zelda, to play the same character but differently, when you're a kid you can do certain things and when you're an adult you have other abilities but lose some. I also like being adult link in twilight princess and skyward sword but I dislike when it is just toon/young link. I find it makes it more childish when you get to play only as a kid (except for MM of course wich has pretty mature and dark themes)

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