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A Way To Make The Hero Defeated Timeline Work!

Triforce King

Pathfinder for life
Jul 10, 2011
Ok, I came up with a theory that can make the doom timeline make sense, what if the original hero of time did die in battle, what if the Hero is Defeated Timeline is the original timeline and because of what happened between OOT and ALTTP could change the way that we have the 3rd split timeline. So ladies and gentlemen sit back and relax while I tell of how Link being killed can work in the timeline. So as we know Link was killed by Ganondorf in the final fight to determine the fate of Hyrule. He killed him, took his piece of the triforce, and took Zelda's piece as well. Turning him into the demon king we all know from A Link to the Past. Then Zelda and the sages team up to seal Ganon in the sacred realm with the full triforce. And that's the story we know so far. So let me tell you of how this can work, but in order to do that, I need to go back to Ganondorf's doppelganger, Phantom Ganon. Now in the first time you fight a Boss as adult Link, you will run across Ganondorf who turns out to be only his phantom, who is called Phantom Ganon, and you can beat him in the game, but it turns out that Phantom Ganon was not killed, only sent to a gap between dimensions. What if Ganondorf can send his phantoms in and out of that void with ease, without you knowing? Now remember that vortex you saw after that boss fight with Phantom Ganon, remember how purple it was?
Now look at Ganondorf shooting a energy wave at Link
You see the connection there?;-) Now what if Ganondorf's plan was to not only prevent Link from Z/L targeting him but to also destroy Link on the inside, by two things? 1. By letting Phantom Ganon enter Link's body and placing a death curse so when the curse is complete it instantly kills Link or 2. By letting Phantom Ganon enter Link's body and placing a death curse so when the curse is weakening Link, Ganondorf can deliver the final blow. Now I know what you are going to say, but what if Link had a fairy bottle? Well lets just say that this death curse is incurable unless you stop it at the source. Now its important that I tell you that the curse won't kick in until Ganon's Castle falls and that the Link vs. Ganon fight begins. So this is how it went down, Ganondorf turn into Ganon, knocks Link's Master Sword out of his hand, they fight a little bit then the death curse is either complete, instantly killing him or close to completion, making him weak enough to get easily killed by Ganon, I let you decided which sounds better. Then he gets the full triforce, transforming him from Ganon to a more powerful demon king Ganon from ALTTP. Then the sages seal him up in the sacred realm. Now let say 50 years or so has pass and Zelda has a son that is the king of Hyrule, meaning that she is relieved of royal duties and that she spends her time researching of what went wrong that day, 50 years ago because she can't let go of what happen to Link, seeing him die like that. So one day she found out how Ganondorf pulled that trick, and when she did, she came up with a plan to go back in time and destroy Phantom Ganon. She picked one of the knights of Hyrule to do the job. She picked ALTTP Link's ancestor. Zelda gave this knight two items, one that can take him forward and back through time, and the other a magical item that can take him in and out of different dimensions. So thanks to Zelda by communicating with him through magic, they was able to pinpoint Phantom Ganon's location. So when the knight finally got there, Ganondorf started the fight by shooting the purple energy wave at Link, calling Phantom Ganon to use the death curse on him, only to be stop by the knight. By the time Ganondorf stop letting out the purple energy wave, the fight between the knight and Phantom Ganon had begun. It was a fierce battle but in the end the knight had won and destroyed Phantom Ganon. Then the knight use the warp dimension item to be transported outside of Ganon's Castle to see the conclusion of the final battle between Link and Ganon. With Ganondorf defeated and sealed, Zelda sends Link back to his childhood. When Zelda came back to Hyrule from what I believe to be the sacred realm, the knight came up to her and show her that he has ties with the royal family. He then ask her what happened to Link and Ganondorf? She explain what happened, to Link and Ganondorf. When she got through telling the information to him, the knight was happy and satisfied. He thanked her, wish her a farewell, and went back to his own time. He then reported the good new to Zelda. With tears in her eyes, she sincerely thank the knight for his hard work. Zelda realize that there was nothing they can do, to bring Link back to life in there timeline, but she is still happy at the fact that in another timeline, Link is still alive. The End.

So what do you guys think of this theory/story? Do you think its good enough to become a game that ties ocarina of time and a link to the past together? Should I email Nintendo about this idea? Let me know by the comments below.​

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
It's interesting, but far fetched. I don't see a connection to the portal phantom Ganon was sucked into and the energy vortex/wave thing Ganondorf shot at Link. One looks dark purple with some black mixed in, the other looks more blue-ish purple. Technically the Hero Fails Timeline wouldn't make sense unless the way OoT orginally happens was to take place first - assuming that the paradox results in the what if scenario in the first place, otherwise every game would have a Hero Fails branch.


Jun 11, 2015
Sorry I don't see it. Phantom Ganondorf would have to much power then and if Phanotom Ganondorf had this power to do this why would Ganondorf go through all the struggle to gain the triforce if he could kill everyone with this curse easily and with zero effort. You have given too much power to this Phantom which brings up lots of issues.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Sorry I don't see it. Phantom Ganondorf would have to much power then and if Phanotom Ganondorf had this power to do this why would Ganondorf go through all the struggle to gain the triforce if he could kill everyone with this curse easily and with zero effort. You have given too much power to this Phantom which brings up lots of issues.

Plus why didn't Ganondorf just possess Link himself and kill him from the inside out? Afterall in TP he possesses Zelda.
Jun 30, 2014
Well, my biggest gripe with this is the Phantom Ganon fiasco-- it's overly convoluted and unnecessary. Take him out entirely, leaving just the bit about the time traveling knight, and you have a decent theory.

I understand that there has to be an agent working behind the scenes in order for the theory to function (in order the knight to travel back in time without interrupting OoT), but the Phantom Ganon solution, while possible, was simply to specific and far-fetched to really consider.

My other problem with this theory-- and this isn't so much with the theory as it is with the motivation behind it-- is that the Downfall Timeline already works; you just have to think of it as an expansion of the Zelda multiverse, a "what if" scenario (which is scientifically valid), rather than a strictly linear series of events.

Overall, though, a well put together theory that seems to hold up to the hellish chaos that is the rest of the timeline.
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May 16, 2008
Kentucky, USA
As much as I hate the fact that the Downfall timeline even exists, it makes sense as-is. I've seen a lot of theory trying to make sense out of it, and while I applaud many theorists for doing extensive research and coming up with new ideas not thought of before, the fact is that it is simple and should be accepted as such.

Link is killed by Ganon. Whether he wasn't able to retrieve the Master Sword after it was knocked from his hands or whatever, he simply could not defeat Ganon in that state and, as a result, the Sages were forced to seal him away anyway.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff

First of all, this theory claims that it will explain a way the downfall timeline could work without it being a “what-if” scenario.Though, in order for this particular theory to work “what-if” logic must be in full swing. So if anything it strengthens the fact that the downfall timeline is a “what-if” scenario, it doesn't weaken it.

Second, if there is no order everything goes haywire. In order for one to even make the logic that each time Link time travels it creates new branches work they must basically put aside all logic, thus there would be no order. Obviously Link can time travel more than just two times in OoT, or he can limt himself to doing it just once (like the thread states Bonga Bonga can be defeated without the Lens of Truth). That alone is a major issue in the theory.

Lastly, since any theory in context to the downfall timeline will be based on “what-if” logic why even stray from Hyrule Historia's explanation of the events? These theories, in truth, just complex things even more than HH's version. Sure one can say each game could have a downfall branch stemming from it - honestly that isn't as bad as millions of branches stemming off a game simply because the logic that each time Link time travels it creates a new timestream.
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