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A New Princess Design?

Nov 26, 2008
Yeah, actually. I think it's very possible they'll change her design. I was thinking about this today, actually. How Zelda appeared in the first game was very different from how she appeared in the second game, and to some degree even the third one. It wasn't until Ocarina of Time that her look was more stabilized, and from then on they were always pretty similar. I understand that it's good to have a consistent appearance for a consistent character, and they did the same with Link, but I think it's perfectly acceptable to mix up her design at this point.

I think it would be nice to have a change in appearance, especially given the stylized look of Skyward Sword. Having the same old design would be a missed opportunity with Skyward Sword's aesthetic, and I do think they're going to take full advantage of the new art direction.

I'm one of the few that likes her better are a brunette, so I really hope they at least keep the hair color from TP the same.
Screw that. Bring back the redhead!
May 18, 2009
Wait, was Zelda a brunette in Twilight Princess? I remember her just being a darker shade of blonde. The brown hair came in with Super Smash Bros. Brawl. But I might be mis-remembering.

I'm sure her design will at least be tweaked, like the TP designs were tweaked from OoT and like Link's design is basically TP + chain mail + darker leggings. (I'm secretly hoping that the next incarnation will go back to orange. ;) )

As far as a whole new look, I don't think it's likely as the OoT-like model has been the standard for several years now, but I'd like to see what they'd come up with if they did design her outfit from scratch.

In any case, the last thing we need is a more clones like the Toon versions of Link and Zelda. Seriously, couldn't Nintendo have put a little effort into that? At least give ST link a gear-shaped belt buckle? *sigh* But as long as Link and Zelda are distinctively Skyward Sword, I'll be okay.


heir is a prediction design i drew




Jul 26, 2010
I liked her as a Blondy even though her Twilight Princess design was beautiful. I'm a bit biased being blonde my self, but I'm willing to settle for a muddled dirty blonde. I love her blonde but I am open to them tweaking her design in future games.
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The Creepy Uncle
Feb 10, 2012
Swaggin Roost Island
Agreed. I could care less about her style as long as it's still somewhat familiar, I just want her to have more of a personality then she did in Twilight Princess. Of course if they were to make her look completely different, this might make the story better since it is not completely obvious that she is Zelda the moment you see her.
Feb 10, 2011
All the Princess Zelda design are great. But for the Skyward Sword art it should be something like Princess Zelda (Twilight Princess). With that I bet Princess Zelda will look great on that.


Lushier than Mercy!
Apr 14, 2008
Newfoundland, Canada
Zelda's design from Twilight Princess has been my favourite design for her so far, so I hope they work with that one. I would assume they would change her looks slightly, as it would just be odd otherwise, but just modify what they already had. That would just be the ideal. So long as she still looks "Princess Zelda-y", I'd be fine with it.
But yes. I think there needs to be a new design, even if just slightly.


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
I like child or Toon Zelda as a blonde then her older self as a brunette. I loved her design in Twilight Princess, and her toon design in PH and ST. But in OoT, I actually don't like her design as much, she is a lot prettier in TP. I think changing her design a bit will be refreshing, but I don't want it to change too much from her TP look.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
I like Zelda the way she is. The dress design and hair color seems to fit her perfectly. TP's version of her is how she should look in every time, to me.


Link x Zelda
Feb 7, 2011
Her outfit, hair, and face will probably not be changed too drastically. I think the only thing will change is a slightly different look based on how the graphics change.


Hero of Time
Jan 30, 2011
Like Link, Zelda's hair seems to change from blond to brown back to blond, than brown etc....Honestly I like it when it changes back and forth, it keeps the design fresh....also remember that zelda was a red head at a point in time, so itd be interesting to see THAT again...Also the change of hair colour can represent the geneology of both zelda and link stating that each incarnation is NOT exactly the same as the last!
Dec 24, 2010
Zelda will be different in this game, just like she was different in WW and TP. Said by Aonuma in an interview with a Dutch magazine.
So expect a different design. Thank God. I don't like looking at the same design for more than one game and apparently so does Nintendo :P
Also, I don't Zelda will be a Princess in this game, so it would be weird for her to walk around in that dress with her tiara.

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