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  1. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Kiss Ganon. Gingers are sexy. WYR Not be able to play Zelda or not be able to play Pokemon?
  2. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Dirty joke to a nun. Never liked nuns. WYR jump off a cliff or have a cliff fall on you?
  3. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    No. WYR be a unicorn or a fairy?
  4. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Blue. So that way I could make puns about being blue, and be able to breathe underwater indefinitely. WYR Live in Hyrule, or Live in a Pokemon world?
  5. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Never be able to do Zelda stuff. Hyrule has no video games. WYR Join this RPG http://zeldadungeon.net/forum/f113/%5Bpnp-rpg%5D-art-war-character-creation-discussion-thread-38026.html or face the wrath of RegalBryant?
  6. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Vio Link because FABULOUS. WYR be Ghirahim or Zant?
  7. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Stupid name, as no one would blame me for changing my name. WYR be a Deku or a Goron?
  8. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Groose as brother. WYR marry Groose or marry Ghirahim?
  9. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    TP Link, because he's so smexy. <3
  10. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Remlit. The anti cucco. Stops attacking when it gets hurt. WYR be a dragon or be a cat?
  11. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Brad Pitt. More sex, less inprisonment. WYR be The Green Arrow or Hawkeye?
  12. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Be Regal. It's much more fun. WYR have no arms or have no legs?
  13. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    ...Can't I have both? If I have to choose, I guess I'll go with purple WYR be a My Little Pony or be a Ppkemon?
  14. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Sky diving. WYR die in a plane crash or drown?
  15. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    asdf, because I don't know the other one. WYR be Peach or Zelda?
  16. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Mauled to death by a bear. Cooler way to go. Would you rather hug a redead, or kiss an octorok?
  17. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Not wash my hair. I barely have any hair, anyway! Would you rather learn to play the nose flute or the worlds smallest violin?
  18. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Run, easier. Would you rather spend the rest of your life with Tingle, or the rest of your life with Youngster Joey?
  19. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    Justin Bieber songs... Sung by the cast of Glee. WYR have your 3DS explode, or your Wii implode?
  20. RegalBryant

    Would You Rather

    In what world is Ruto a pretty girl? I'd rather stab a cucco, because one stab doesn't freak em out. WYR shove a live Magikarp down your pants, or get eaten by a Like Like?
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