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  1. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    Oooooh thank you so much Majora's Puss!!!! Maybe I'll have the time to write more. I'm still writing my walkthrough (grumble grumble) but I've become rather disloyal to my friend when he laughed and took a picture of me when I hurt myself and was crying. (and it was because of him I got hurt...
  2. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    Okay non-loyal fans, this fanfic is going to be stopped for a while due to other committments (like writing a FULL Spirit Tracks walkthrough for my friend's website -_-') If you would like me to squeeze this into my timetable please comment, but seeing as I never get any comments anymore, this...
  3. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    I got out through the exit to the back of my prison to be on another strange level. Once again, I heard Tetra’s voice through the orb. “Now, Link. THIS time you do it, DON’T go into the spotlight. See that barrel over there? Hop under it. Now, when the searchlights aren’t in your direction, go...
  4. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    THANKYOU awesome people for the more comments! Silent readers, (if there are any) PLEASE comment because feedback is what makes my story what it is! I love reading for improvements. The only way you can read more is by nicking my USB, which I keep very safe...:P So, yeah, I've kinda lost...
  5. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    Thanks for the positive feedback guys! As a reward I'm going to post another section. I woke up to find myself dripping wet, but that of course, was because I fell in the ocean. I also found myself to be nearly out of breath. As fast as I could, I climbed up onto a small platform of the...
  6. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    Okay, so it would be nice to have feedback... Here goes! “Yes, Miss Tetra? What is it?” I asked, running up the stairs and to where she was standing. She pointed to a particularly sinister looking island, with spotlights shining all around it. “That there, Link, is the Forsaken Fortress. Look...
  7. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    HELLO EVERYONE!! LOOKEY HERE! THERE IS A NEW PART SO WILL YOU READ OR NOT? COMMENTS PLEASE!!! (sorry just did this so I would be at the start of the fan works forum :P)
  8. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    Hello, my loyal fans! I'm back again with a big part:D. So... here goes nothing! Part 4, is it now? “Grandma, do you think I could take the family shield?” I asked. I waited a moment, and got no reply. “Grandma?” I asked. I moved so I could see her face, and saw she was crying. “Grandma, it’s...
  9. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    So, yeah, I managed to do it today! PART 3 A While Later “Oh. Sorry Link. Well, I guess it’s time for you and I to go, Gonzo.” Tetra apologised. “Hang on, I think I know where this Aryll person may be. Have you heard of the tales about the Forsaken Fortress lately? It’s crawling with security...
  10. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    What do you mean, the story was off? (Just asking for improvements.) Meh, as I said, I havn't even played the game, just watched walkthroughs. Anywho, I was going to scrap the story because of lack of fans, but I may continue now. Watch this space, I'm going to get moving today! :);)
  11. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    I can do that for you in the next part. My internet is going a bit whacko, so its gonna be hard... Next part is coming when I have finished editing and can be bothered bringing my usb to my computer. P.S. My parts are small because they are the bits I am comfortable with!
  12. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    Well, at least SOMEONE cares. Thanks, @lex MM.:) Here's the next part! “ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!” a girl’s voice rang out. I looked up, and saw a girl approximately my age being thrown from a giant bird’s feet. She flew through the air, and landed on a tree branch not far away from me. I ran over...
  13. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    Okay, guys, am I really that bad at writing? For goodness sakes, I'm only 11. Please, give me some feedback if you like or dislike it.
  14. Zelda's_Child

    Zelda Art Link's Life Story

    I started writing this story as a project for school, and I was quite happy with it. Please let me know what you think of it!!;) I have never played Wind Waker nor Phantom Hourglass, so tell me if I should make edits. Rating- well, I would put it about a PG or PG-13, because I don't know what...
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