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  1. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    sorry for mislynching you fext :pensive: game might have gone a lot different if i wasn't busy EoD and we actually swapped onto ex ex says signups for his game should be up either this morning or tomorrow evening, if i have time zones correct
  2. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    if you wanted to vote exlight or FG you probably should have done so or at least expressed interest in doing so. I jumped from ex because i felt like nobody was interested in the wagon and it would end fruitlessly and so my best shot would be to try and build a wagon on my second best lynch...
  3. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    for what its worth playing dead is a pretty strong survival tactic in mafia. Unless you're a particularly gifted orator you probably would have been worse off rather than better if you'd tried to dissuade people from lynching you.
  4. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    technically it was mylo not lylo
  5. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    mafia was minish, exlight, and FG
  6. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

  7. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    deadline was a minute ago, its literally too late to vote
  8. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

  9. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    @KingofDominaria you should recognize that with DW sitting on only three votes its certain he's town, so i ask you to switch to ex with me Vote: Exlight
  10. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    @ExLight get in here >:(
  11. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I think your CFD on killjoy was a reasonably solid play. It also ended up saving exlight though, and so if either exlight or you flip scum the other looks bad because of it. Until one of you flips scum its basically NAI but it does affect the potential value one can extract from either of your...
  12. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    @ExLight don't forget to vote. throwing away the game because of inactivity would feel bad.
  13. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    it raises our odds of winning the game though, as i explained earlier. its important that the lynch we make today not only hits scum but also gives us strong information about the alignment of other players because we need to lynch scum multiple times consecutively to win. With that said, my...
  14. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I feel like i've heard a lot of animosity directed towards DW. Although they weren't a viable lynch candidate in the first two days its enough to make me feel hesitant about them. I'd feel more comfortable going with a player who i feel have been ignored or town-locked for most players, like...
  15. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    i'll switch back to exlight if there's interest but for now i'm calling for a CFD on KoD Vote: KoD
  16. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

  17. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    ex, minish, fg, rag, numbers, DW, KoD, eli this probably makes today LyLo, so I'm against lynching eli today
  18. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Numbers and FG have received next to no heat this game. For numbers especially this is unusual because I feel like he's kept a very low profile this game, something lots of other players have been attacked for. I'm skeptical that numbers would claim to have read eli's other games unless he did...
  19. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    why not ex
  20. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Eli probably looks the worst to me besides ex right now primarily on the basis that i think scum has a harder time engaging with the game than town does and eli seems to be having that problem. My instinct however tells me that eli is a bad tree to bark up because they've been getting a lot of...
  21. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    its pretty easily to feel totally lost in mafia games, especially when you aren't familiar with most of the other players.
  22. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    i've almost certainly done this as town it sounds like a decent tell though
  23. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Vote: Exlight i've beaten this horse enough and it doesn't seem like people want to ride it but i'll put my vote here for now. I'll take a closer look at some of the other stuff today and see where I might put my vote if ex doesn't pan out
  24. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I don't think ex has meltdowns most games. If ex has a meltdown once every 5 games on average then you'd expect him to have a meltdown as scum once every 20 games on average if he wasn't less prone to meltdowns as scum. Thats rare enough that you might only see one or two such meltdowns in his...
  25. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Its feasible that would add to his being upset, although I think the feelings he expressed in thread were, for the most part, honest, and so I think he was certainly upset about being "punished" for putting effort into a game despite going through a lot irl.
  26. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    also now that town's chance of winning the game is contingent on consecutive scum lynches (i think?) high-reward plays will become more valuable regardless of their chance at payoff. if sexlight dies and flips scum that makes finding the rest of the scumteam significantly easier because of ex's...
  27. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    if you posted a bunch of bus gifs at me I wouldn't bat an eye. Most people might be a little annoyed. Very few people would respond with violent threats. Exlight is by his nature an individual who experiences strong emotions. That your bus gifs were able to set him off to the degree they did is...
  28. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    are you personally of the opinion that you tend to only be emotionally volatile in-thread as town?
  29. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    ex had two blowups in that game iirc, one because people weren't willing to have the mafia and town form a temporary alliance to deal with an ambiguous 3p and the second when he NK'd KoD and then outed himself. I certainly wouldn't characterize his attitude that game as calm, either in the...
  30. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    the same ex that threatened to pull out your teeth and shove them down your ears when you were mafia together?
  31. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    it would certainly be my last choice of nightkill though these days i typically just go along with what others want to do and don't push things too hard so I wouldn't say this is a sure thing. i think exlight has supported killing inactives as mafia in the past
  32. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    i think your advocating double-ups could feasibly be a scumtactic to make finding the hider easier. I also don't like your interactions with KoD and exlight. Its not a strong read but its stronger than eli and KoD.
  33. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    and ofc if people change their mind about ex i'd be happy to switch back to that
  34. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    i also thought we had 24 hours left i'm busy atm so i probably can't reasonably read into the three top wagons fext is probably who i think has the highest chance of flipping wolf out of these three although i enjoy playing with fext a lot so i'd rather not see them die. I'll put my vote there...
  35. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    because they're all people who, in my eyes, acted unusually firmly in trying to stop you from being lynched. KoD started and pushed a wagon on an inactive player very hard with little clear motive. Minish used capital letters. Fext sheeped KoD with a weak reason despite having been voting for...
  36. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    He was voting killjoy with self-pres as his reasoning at this point i believe. This was before he apparently gave up and self-voted, presumably after his efforts to convince people that voting him was a mistake weren't met with much success.
  37. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Vote: Exlight
  38. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I'll come back around to exlight after all. I don't feel the case on him was too strong yesterday and i suspect i'm tunneling but he's still the player that is pinging me the most and so he'll be my focus for now. Additionally his flip will be very valuable information-wise. If he flips scum...
  39. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Flippancy benefits scum a lot more than it does town. The ability to put your vote wherever you want anytime you want is obviously useful for scum. When players only vote for solid reasons it makes it harder for scum to move their votes in opportunistic ways without comitting to lies, which...
  40. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    what about that post made you think that KoD was more likely to be right than any of the other players in the thread?
  41. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    and you decided to sheep KoD because of this post?
  42. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    why did you think KoD wanted killjoy lynched?
  43. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    @Fext I gather you were jumping around yesterday as much as you were because you thought it would generate information. Why did you ultimately decide on killjoy rather than exlight?
  44. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    damn who invited KoD
  45. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I've seen scum ex kill his teammate using the factional kill and then out himself the following day because he was unhappy that his teammate was trying to bus him. I think ex's self-destruction was a result of legitimate frustration that ex felt as a result of being the target of a wagon he felt...
  46. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I don't think anyone but seanzie was touting seanzie as a strong town player. I don't know him well enough to gauge his strength as a player. He was a popular wagon day 1 so clearly he was being scumread by a lot of people. His last-minute vote also swerved the lynch onto a town player, which...
  47. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    could you share some instances where you felt he exposed himself?
  48. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    i did not find kreal to be an obvious power role, for what thats worth. None of what he said was meaningful for me.
  49. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    if we think that seanzie was killed because the odds of it killing the hider was higher for mafia, then its necessarily true that both players claiming a target on seanzie were town, which includes numbers. Of course, there's still the possibility mafia killed seanzie for another reason or that...
  50. Ragnarokio

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I wouldn't say you agreed. If i recall correctly we were still in disagreement when I said i would stop arguing because it would probably be beneficial to mafia, at which point you pushed me one more time to justify my position and i gave a brief response which you seemed to find acceptable...
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