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  1. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    This part is a bit incorrect. You can get to the ISO from the thread.
  2. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Couldn't have done it without you and Ex. Clutch sub in after we were a 2 person team for d1. Lol. Also those posts about Ex when you subbed in and the "got my PM Ex is definitely scum" killed me.
  3. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Xenforo's ISO is pretty decent. I enjoy it at least. Though the main complaint is having to click on posts to see the full thing. Instead of having them all laid out when you ISO. I think MafiaUniverse does it like that?
  4. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I'm sorry KoD. Felt bad having you town read me the game we've gotten along. Though I did genuinely agree with your posts this game so that was true. If I had been town I'm pretty sure you and Numbers would have been my top town reads still. Wasn't such a bad game playing with you. Good job...
  5. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Tbf, that seems more scum motivated than I'd expected from you right now Rag. We shouldn't be looking for deepwolves in Mylo. That just makes our odds of hitting town even greater.
  6. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I can get behind a DW lynch. Their ISO turned out looking not too great to me. And I really think that KoD is town here, so would greatly prefer a DW lynch to him. I think 3 scum have to be in DW/Eli/Rag/FG so hitting within that group gives us the best odds to me. It's a 75% chance if I'm right...
  7. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Wow that got posted before I meant to. Anyways... Especially with d2 and d3 not being as crazy as d1. And the extension of this current phase. Maybe he wanted to set up asking about CC to use later on as townpants in that regard but then hider died too early. Also, he claimed that KoD and DW...
  8. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Meant to reply to this yesterday and then got distracted with other stuff. I just skimmed through their ISOs and...neither has done a ton to inspire me to town read them. Eli is interesting because he claims that he isn't following what's going on but on d1 he asked about hider CC, and then...
  9. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    You're giving Eli way too much credit here. When he voted you, Fext had unvoted KoD and voted you. Making the vote 4 Fext, 2 KoD, and 2 Eli. Fext was wanting Rag to join your wagon and if she had that would have made you at 3 after Eli's vote. Eli voted almost last minute on you before Fext...
  10. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I think he means in thread.
  11. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    CynicalSquid was an interesting nk. Not sure who makes that here. But like a whole team was behind that which is even weirder. Rag makes a point of Ex advocating for inactive kills. Though Rag pointing that out could also be a scum move to frame Ex by doing that exact thing and then saying he...
  12. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I disagreed with that, thought it was odd that he said Kreaal was the obvious hider when no one else thought so and Kreaal was killed, and also looked back at his post about keeping town reads on your hider claims and saw more scum motivation behind it. Also the fact that the sheeped KoD at Eod...
  13. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I must have missed it, like I said I'm busy at the moment and trying to keep up with eod. What were they?
  14. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Sorry, I'm a bit busy right now but I'm not gonna be lynched for nothing at eod after no one even talked about lynching me today. Like how am I even supposed to defend against that? My Fext vote isn't super sound, but of the 3 wagons (Eli, KoD, and Fext) I'm town reading KoD, and I'm null on...
  15. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    If it comes down to KoD and Eli I will break the tie in favor of KoD. I don't see him being scum here, and I have no solid read on Eli.
  16. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    If it started yesterday that would only be 24 hours. Yeah, I've used caps before. Lmao. Usually more directed at funnier I think, but still. Man, I really didn't re-read like I wanted to because I thought we still had a whole day left. So not really sure who I feel is scummiest here. Eli is...
  17. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Wait, is eod really today? Man, I swear it feels like the phase started yesterday.
  18. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Oh yeah, I basically have the same view of FG as you do. Might not have made that clear. I don't view her as scummy for those things because they make sense as someone who only has a small amount of info of the game state. Was just saying that I understand the viewpoint of those actions being...
  19. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I think, if I read KoD's post right, that he acknowledges that it was an unvote. But was saying that Eli not liking DW's unvote of him cast suspicion on DW, and in turn would make KoD look more favorable to him. Though Eli does then go on to call it scum-theatering which would mean he didn't...
  20. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself before worrying about a mafia game! I didn't say Ex was the obvious lynch. I said he was the obvious play to look. Which is true, considering he was the competing wagon. Doesn't mean I think he's scum, it means that everything surrounding him...
  21. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    You were the other wagon. Of course that's the obvious place to look. Like reading into wagonimics does help. Doesn't mean you're scum but the way wagons progress can be telling. No as in two people hiding behind one person. Fext was saying we shouldn't spread our targets out.
  22. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    He's staring at Fext for trying to get people to double up on targets. Saying you knew Kreaal was the hider when Kreaal died last night isn't really a great look. Lol. Seanzie was an obvious target with more than one person hiding there. So not really surprised with that nk. Gotta go back...
  23. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

  24. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Ex pls I'm begging you. You know how much I hate self voting. I'm working with KoD here for goodness sake.
  25. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    DW isn't even here and dipped out after being super active at the beginning. And his vote on Ex is based solely on Ex saying he's a strong player and then scum reading him.
  26. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

  27. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

  28. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Admittedly I don't recall any instance like that. But scum Ex has been calm at Eods from what I remember.
  29. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Rag do you trust me? I don't see scum Ex here. Are you unwilling to vote any of the other wagons?
  30. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Ex I swear to ****ing god stop self voting.
  31. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Because you were town reading him before so it came outta nowhere.
  32. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    @Fext why the switch to Seanzie???
  33. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I do think that's an unfair assessment. He was actually busy during that day, and even when I'm busy and trying to still post some in games my posts come across the same way. Because you don't really have time to interact or even read every post. But you can see something that you want to...
  34. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Ex are you still not voting to self pres???
  35. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Me. Lol.
  36. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Also to something you said before @Fext, yes it is just how I play. I will poke players and ask stuff more if I'm around (like I did with you). Otherwise I tend to pop in and give reads based off of what has happened and not prodding them.
  37. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Ugh, rather not have an Ex lunch though outta those 3. Unvote Vote: Killjoy
  38. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    What even is this game? Like KoD had a really good post, and I kinda wanna sheep it. Though I dunno, Killjoy isn't particularly scummy to me. I feel like the Kreaal case was stronger than the Killjoy one. But this could be scum Killjoy with inactiv teammates like I said before. So he's at a loss...
  39. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I've explained my thought process though. I feel like you've just skipped it or something. In simple terms the read on Seanzie went his read on Numbers -> me disagreeing with said read -> him arguing with KoD -> me siding with KoD's views -> Seanzie saying that Numbers' priority shouldn't have...
  40. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I'm...still not sure I understand. I was saying I could say the same about you about not quite knowing why you stand where you stand.
  41. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    What does this even mean?
  42. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Wasn't worth my time to question you on everything when 1) I'm already town reading you and 2) You seem to avoid answering things/giving thoughts when people ask.
  43. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I did explain them though. What do you want to know more about why I agree? And I could say the same for you. Lol.
  44. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    That wasn't even my reasoning for voting him. Lol. Nor even a reason really. He said we was a strong player so it was ill advised to lynch him. I disagreed on the basis that I thought he was scum so it's good to get strong scum out early. It wasn't a reason I had for voting him, but it was a...
  45. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    No? Otherwise I wouldn't be voting him. He's my strongest scum lean here but in the case that I'm wrong then he's not playing his strongest town game to me because I know he's wrong on me and I feel like he's wrong on a good bit of the game.
  46. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    That's not really what you talked about in the post. But also like, they're the main posters of the game so of course I'm focused on them. I already said you were town for your post about townreading people after claiming to have his behind them. I think that was a smart play and enough to...
  47. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Yeah, I think I mentioned that? But even so I don't think Seanzie is playing his strongest town game here.
  48. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Well maybe ask me specifics and I'll tell you. Lol.
  49. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    Well of course I could. Lmao. I can always give more insight than I have. That doesn't mean I have the energy to do so though. Much easier for me to give better insight when there are less players. I get overwhelmed on d1s unless I can hone in on something that specifically pings me. Also...
  50. Morbid Minish

    GAME THREAD: Dark Souls Mafia

    I mean that's fair. Though in this case I'm pretty sure Seanzie has been scum here before and was good. So it was more directed towards him specifically. Strong Mafia is always great to get out early so they have much less influence on the game state.
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