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  1. Asta

    Mini Ice Age On It's Way

    People may be interested in this followup from an associate professor at Monash University. It illustrates the way that the media often mishandles science stories. Scientists and scientific organisations themselves also need to be much more careful about their public communications. Also...
  2. Asta

    Mini Ice Age On It's Way

    I recommend clicking the first link that I posted instead of just seeing the plot, zeroing in on the 2010 in the right-hand corner and instantly saying "five years old, therefore false!", because then you'll see this: The recent study (date of publication in Nature: June 2015)...
  3. Asta

    Mini Ice Age On It's Way

    From the article: No, this is wrong. There will indeed be a minimum in sunspot activity. However, conditions will not be like they were during the Maunder Minimum, because anthropogenic climate change has radically altered our planet's system. We are headed for an accelerated increase in...
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