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  1. VikzeLink

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    I haven't seen that, so can't say
  2. VikzeLink

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Balan's Wonderworld Yes, I did actually buy it. It wasn't as bad as I had feared when people was talking about the demo, but I do agree that it needs a lot of polish. If they would be given some more time, I think it could have been an amazing game, now it was closer to "meh" on the scale. It...
  3. VikzeLink

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Pine 5/10 It's an interesting idea and it's fun at times, but the entire game feels like it's still in beta. The draw distance is abysmal, it's full of little glitches and lags a bit at times. 2 or 3 times, the game just shut itself off due to an "unexpected error". Thankfully it does autosave...
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