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  1. Luke's Wife

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Smash Ultimate 9.5/10 would have given it 10/10 but Snake's ass wasn't as round as it could have been
  2. Luke's Wife

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Finished the first Bioshock game. Really, really good. I think I liked Infinite more but it was still an awesome game! 9/10 (on to bioshock 2 now)
  3. Luke's Wife

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Just beat the final boss of Child of Light, and wow, what a game. The visuals are stunning, it looks like a moving watercolour painting. Both the backgrounds and level design are lovely. The soundtrack is really nice too, and the story was very melancholy but uplifting, too (I cried at the end)...
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