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  1. B

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    A Highland Song - Fun but a bit jank. Surprise d it had been released so soon. Only played a couple hours, surprised as I hear it takes many people 5-6 hours. Had expected a more relaxing experience a la Spiritfarer, and there is a lot of that, but there are some Death Stranding/survival...
  2. B

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Finished Last Window the other day. Really mixed feelings, mostly hinging on how it all played out in the end, despite generally really enjoying my time with it. Just that it can’t really be helped, comparing a lot of it to Hotel Dusk. I do feel it is a bit more “adult”, not necessarily more...
  3. B

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Been a while since I’d been in here, huh. I have a lot of fresh games since then but I don’t think I’ve actually finished any. Instead I’ve been replaying some old ones. Had got MGS3 on Steam, but refunded it unfortunately after some issues came up. Maybe they’ll be fixed some time, but it’s...
  4. B

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    I finished the first Megaman Battle Network game. Cool to see where it started and all but a bit simplistic and on the shorter side for my taste. Replaying 2 after all these years I can really appreciate how much it expanded with new ideas to take it further. Even so, a fun little game with...
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