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  1. Azure Sage

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Elden Ring - 7/10 Pretty fun to play. Exploration and combat have their satisfying moments. Story is boring and I hate walking on eggshells wondering if I mess up a questline just because I wanted to explore. If I didn't have some friends helping me to know what to avoid doing to ruin...
  2. Azure Sage

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Just finished Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition. Was my first DMC. I rate it a very strong "just play bayonetta instead" out of ten. Like literally bayo is the same **** but without the part where it sucks. The game looks and controls like hot ass. The camera system in particular was infuriating...
  3. Azure Sage

    Rate the Last Game That You Played

    Fantasy Life (3DS) Amazingly immerse game filled with fun characters and quirky dialogue. Beautiful scenery, cool monsters to fight, so many choices and things to do that I'm almost 120 hours in and still not totally done. It's so much fun and super cute. I'd totally recommend it to anyone...
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