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  1. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    You're banned because blessing someone and banning them at the same time is strange.
  2. TheCakeIsALie

    Rate the Avatar!

    8/10. Interesting picture.
  3. TheCakeIsALie

    Rate the Siggy!

  4. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    You're banned because I assume you are included in "everything".
  5. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    You're banned for NOT living in Hyrule.
  6. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    You're banned for having something against standing on one foot
  7. TheCakeIsALie

    Stupid Things You Did? (in Zelda Games)

    In Minish cap in the graveyard. I went back to the beginning to look for the bird when it was right next to me and got mugged by a different bird. Trying to activate the switches that you're supposed to hit with your sword with A for 5 mins
  8. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    Banned because that's ridiculous.
  9. TheCakeIsALie

    Spoiler What Did YOU Wish For?

    I wish the sidequests felt less like chores.
  10. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    This has now descended into legal trolling.
  11. TheCakeIsALie

    Spoiler Hardest Part

    Silent realms, the only thing to make me quit before I run out of time to play. And for sky keep, I finally had to pull out a walkthrough.
  12. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    So, Cel-Shaded Deku, you don't drink but you sell drugs?
  13. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    What has humanity come to?
  14. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    More like 90% of the time. I try to ask an honest question, like what would happen if you gave a flamingo a yo-yo, and these people spam like crazy. Are we even having a conversation?
  15. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    Number of hours per day that TV is on in an average U.S. home: 6 hours, 47 minutes Number of murders seen on TV by the time an average child finishes elementary school: 8,000 the average American watches more than 4 hours of TV each day All from here:Television We have broken the stereotype...
  16. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    I walked by the TV while my sister was watching. What I heard: "Quick, we have to lead the corn colossus away from those backup singers!" My thoughts: "What just happened?"
  17. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    Banned because I have under 100 posts.
  18. TheCakeIsALie

    Clash of the Mini-Bosses

    Big Octo. White wolfos really doesn't count as a miniboss, while Big Octo nearly killed me.
  19. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    Oh....Now I feel stupid. Nice going. EDIT: Now I added some pics that I wanted to add earlier. Yay.
  20. TheCakeIsALie

    Super Word Association Thread

    Horrible childhood experiences (don't ask).
  21. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    Banned for hating on Andromeda.
  22. TheCakeIsALie

    Termina Zoras and Gorons a Different Breed Than Hyrule Zoras and Gorons?

    Agreed. This isn't earth, and we don't know if the ocean is salt. That's what I always thought.
  23. TheCakeIsALie

    What Food Would YOU Ban?

    SO MANY people are overthinking this thread. This is just to say what foods you hate and would like to never see again.
  24. TheCakeIsALie

    Adventure of Link VikzeLink's Weekly Sunday Poll 13: What Boss Gave You the Most Trouble?

    Horsehead! I never beat him, and I got to level 4 everything before I tried. Yeah, I'm nowhere NEAR hardcore enough for this game.
  25. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    Random fact #642: "Meme" means :same" in French. Random fact #643: You have a very small chance of phasing through the chair you're sitting in. (By small, I mean that if you try for about 30 trillion years, you'd get it.) EDIT: Why can't I put pics in my sig?
  26. TheCakeIsALie

    Clash of the Bosses

    Majora. Demented mask villain wins.
  27. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    Random fact #612: Forty is the only number that when spelled out, its letters are alphabetical.
  28. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    Cel-shaded deku, you've been hitting on the cactus juice.
  29. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    Wh would win in a fight-link or amaterasu from okami? Please don't comment if you haven't played okami.
  30. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    Should be working, but not.
  31. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    Banned because I doubt that people know what my avatar is from (It's from a book).
  32. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    They're gonna start a new season with a new villain. No one has a clue who it is though. No, no drugs for me.
  33. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    Banned because you're right. I've read both.
  34. TheCakeIsALie

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted. You didn't wish for anything, and only this wish is uncorruptible. I wish that a time machine was invented that I was allowed to use without ending the universe.
  35. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    A perfect pizza-no cheese, extra tomato sauce, and a LOT of crushed red pepper. Yes, I have weird tastes.
  36. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    Banned because you need to see a psychiatrist.
  37. TheCakeIsALie

    Spoiler The Tragedy of the Master Sword

    Imagine how Fi feels. Even if she is asleep, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be happy.
  38. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    Cake and grief counseling will be available after the test. 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841961693993 Yeah, I know too much pi.
  39. TheCakeIsALie

    Recurring Characters

    I liked the Happy Mask Salesman when they fleshed him out in MM. I always liked the really odd characters in the series-except Tingle. He pretty much robbed me in WW......
  40. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    Banned because you said "the sense", which ironically doesn't make sense.
  41. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    Is anyone else nerd enough that they memorized this? 299,792,458 m/s I'm just curious-does anyone else know what it is?
  42. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    Banned for making me look that up.
  43. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    Banned because March 2012 and March 2012 are the same
  44. TheCakeIsALie

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted, in the next 100 years it will happen. I wish it was less hot during the summer.
  45. TheCakeIsALie

    YOU'RE BANNED! (Game)

    Banned for not banning people for a better reason.
  46. TheCakeIsALie

    Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

    I thought the ending of Legend of Korra was lame. SPOILER-"Congratulations for connecting to your spiritual side! Here's your bending back!" I don't want to see her bending gone, but they could do it better than that. Maybe she'd have to re-learn the elements? EDIT: Not that is was horrible...
  47. TheCakeIsALie

    Corrupt a wish!

    Granted. All human life has been exterminated from the planet. After all, that's the only way world peace will happen. I wish I became a millionaire.
  48. TheCakeIsALie

    How Were You Introduced to Zelda?

    I picked up Phantom Hourglass off a shelf at the store. Sometimes, you just get lucky.
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