1. Skyward Sword (the greatest game of the last ten years)
2. Rayman Origins (just got it for the PS3 and it's awesome)
3. Super Mario 3D Land
4. Little Big Planet 2
Not counting OOT 3D, Star Fox 64 3D, or Metal Gear Solid HD collection
Zelda Dungeon has done a wonderful job of putting the links to Zelda soundtrack downloads on the website. But what I'm wondering is, does anyone know where I can get Mario soundtracks? I need the Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy soundtracks. If anyone can help I would be much abliged.
1. Jolly Roger Bay (Super Mario 64)
2. Zelda's Lullaby (Ocarina of Time)
3. Nocturne of Shadow (Ocarina of Time)
4. Ocarina of Time menu
5. Winged Cap theme (Super Mario 64)
There are so many more I could name but I wouldn't be able to order them properly, so I just did 5.
Dissapointed with SS lack of attention also. But wow, a new SSB, and the HD quality for the Wii U (gonna have a hard time getting used to that) is mindblowing! A lot of stuff to digest...
Cars would crash into each other, buildings would randomly catch fire, and people would explode without any reason at all. So yeah, it would be pretty bad...
I do not think Link should have a voice, period. It's his trademark not to talk. Besides, the last series to add voices was Metroid and look how that turned out.
I expect a firm release date for Skyward Sword with a 25th anniversary announcement as well. Also, much more information about 3DS games and the unveiling of "project cafe". I also expect to see the unexpected as Nintendo blows us away with at least one great surprise every year.
I am soooo excited for E3! I think we will have a lot more clearity when its all said and done. Most of these rumours make sense but the 2nd quest sounds almost impossible for the Wii to handle.
I would like to know what your favorite gaming era is and why.
Mine is the mid to late 90's, I was ayoung lad who discovered something special.... the Nintendo 64! The thing that blows me away to this day is the number of great games the N64 had.
So whats your favorite gaming era?
I'll do my top 5
5. DK Country Returns
4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
3. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (It was released on Wii before GC so...)
2. Super Mario Galaxy 2
1. Super Mario Galaxy
There is a rumor that Retro studios is working on a Star Fox game for "Project Cafe" which would take advantage of the systems amazing graphics. I also think it would be to early for a Mario game at launch. SMG2 was released in 2010 and usually there is 5+ years gap between Mario Console games...