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  1. Miss Moonlight

    Rate the Avatar!

    9/10, it's cute.
  2. Miss Moonlight

    Post your desktop or phone wallpaper

    Windows 7, X windows Dock 2.03.
  3. Miss Moonlight

    How Well do you Know the Person Above You on Zelda Dungeon?

    HM. Haven't seen them around before ... 5/10
  4. Miss Moonlight

    Post your desktop or phone wallpaper

    Wallpaper for December. Icons are hidden. Windows 7. 1366x768 res, widescreen. Theme used is "Holiday Lights" by Microsoft. Xwindows dock 2.03.
  5. Miss Moonlight

    The Legend of Zelda Do You Think the Original LoZ is Hard?

    Yup. Still have not beaten it to this day. /poor zelda fan Or a bunch of other zelda games.
  6. Miss Moonlight

    How Would You Survive Being Homeless?

    Soup kitchens. Find friends who will let you stay with them. Homeless shelters.
  7. Miss Moonlight

    The One Thing You Can't Live Without

    Oh, ok, to expand on my previously "sarcastic" post (people don't like leaving their names with reputation comments, apparently): Probably my laptop. I love it.
  8. Miss Moonlight

    The One Thing You Can't Live Without

    I could not live without a heart. It's pretty important, pumping blood through my veins and all.
  9. Miss Moonlight

    How Long Until We Get a Female Link?

    Because to me, it's along the same line as giving Link a voice. His gender only matters as much as it fits into the story line. A female "link" would not be impossible, just improbable.
  10. Miss Moonlight

    How Long Until We Get a Female Link?

    Hopefully never. Link is a male character, it would change the dynamic of the story in such a way, it wouldn't feel like "Zelda" anymore. Just my opinion.
  11. Miss Moonlight

    Real Cucco Attack!

    Proof that you should never mess with the Cuccos. The cucco mafia will come for you.
  12. Miss Moonlight

    How Well do you Know the Person Above You on Zelda Dungeon?

    They joined in May 2011 and have 483 posts. A ton more than me, for sure.
  13. Miss Moonlight

    Post your desktop or phone wallpaper

    Background image taken by me. :]
  14. Miss Moonlight

    Too Old to Play Zelda?

    I'm 29, still play Zelda. Who's too old for fun?
  15. Miss Moonlight

    Why is Toon Link So Lazy?

    I don't know. He's a kid and wants to watch spongebob all day? given the whole "cartoon / fantasy" look where link is painted as a carefree child, i'd say it fits.
  16. Miss Moonlight

    Web Browsers

    I currently use chrome. I love it. I have previously used Opera, Safari, Firefox and the dreaded IE.
  17. Miss Moonlight

    Spoiler Where Would YOU Live?

    I'd like to live in Kakariko Village or Clock Town. But mostly Kakariko Village.
  18. Miss Moonlight

    Link Should Have a Voice!

    Worked in Metroid, but Zelda is a different franchise. Not sure if it would work for link's character.
  19. Miss Moonlight

    Link Should Have a Voice!

    Just link having a voice would change the whole dynamic of the games, and i'm not sure it would change it in a good way.
  20. Miss Moonlight

    Link Should Have a Voice!

    I agree with illmatic. I don't agree with link having an actual voice for these reasons: A voice gives him a personality. Personality isn't bad of course, but one of the themes of the zelda series and the themes of many nintendo franchises in general, is that you don't just play the characters...
  21. Miss Moonlight

    All Zelda Games Ever

    I haven't beaten spirit tracks yet. Or Windwaker, or Twilight Princess ... Nice list though. :]
  22. Miss Moonlight

    Why Did You Start Zelda, and Why Do You Still Play?

    My first game was A Link to the Past for the SNES. I received it bundled with the SNES when it was released when I got it for christmas one year. I have been a zelda fan ever since.
  23. Miss Moonlight

    Ocarina of Time Favorite Temple in OOT

    Loved the Spirit temple. :D The music is also awesome.
  24. Miss Moonlight

    Games Other Than Zelda?

    The old-school Enix games - Soul Blader, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma, and from other Nintendo series - Mario and Metroid. My favorites are Super Metroid and Super Mario World.
  25. Miss Moonlight

    How To Explain Zelda To Someone Whos Never Heard Of It

    Point them to the wikipedia page. Yep, I am that lazy.
  26. Miss Moonlight

    Ganondorf Is, Fat?

    Well, being the lord of darkness and all doesn't leave much time for weight watchers.
  27. Miss Moonlight

    Nintendo Merchandise.

    way, way too much. Text list: http://moonkisu.comoj.com/collect.htm#game some pictures: TOPPS Nintendo Game Pack Trading Cards (Mario) by Miss ☪ Moonlight, on Flickr
  28. Miss Moonlight

    Most Annoying Zelda Character?

    Navi. "Hey! Hey! Listen!" ... and she's not even that helpful.
  29. Miss Moonlight

    Your Favorite Zelda Game

    A link to the past. It was the first game I played when I got the snes.
  30. Miss Moonlight

    Is Gannondorf Really Evil?

    I always thought ganondorf was the humanoid part of Ganon, while although "bad" in terms of character, he isn't truly "evil" unless he's in his true Ganon form.
  31. Miss Moonlight

    Things That Could Hurt the Game--most Likely?

    Link actually talking. That would ruin the crap out of it.
  32. Miss Moonlight

    Favorite Handheld Zelda Game?

    Link's Awakening was my first ever Zelda gameboy game, so it's remained my favorite. It had an awesome story to it, and was very memorable.
  33. Miss Moonlight

    The Person Above Me, Me, the Person Below Me

    ^ is purple link < just finished 4 sections of algebra homework v likes tacos??
  34. Miss Moonlight


    I'm a digital arts student, going for a associate degree in science. I like it.
  35. Miss Moonlight

    Your Username

    I recieved a -1 and a "You already said that." reputation from someone unnamed for apparently posting twice where my username came from -- sorry, I don't visit this forum often and must have forgotten I had already posted it. Still, a -1 for a mistake is a welcome!
  36. Miss Moonlight

    Rate the Avatar!

    I like the way it looks. 7/10.
  37. Miss Moonlight

    The Moments in Zelda That Inspired Fear or High Anxiety

    NOT TAKE MIRROR!! .... that was scary as hell Until I beat, lol.
  38. Miss Moonlight

    The Member Fact Game

    ^ has a big scary majora's mask in his signature ....
  39. Miss Moonlight

    Systems You Played to Death.

    I think i've played my SNES more than any other gaming system i've ever had.
  40. Miss Moonlight

    Triforce in Real World

    Yes, many times. And I think "zelda" everytime. It's fun indeed.
  41. Miss Moonlight

    Do You Organize Your Game Cases?

    Yup, on my bookcase, in order of franchise. Indeed, I am hyper organized. [OCD]
  42. Miss Moonlight

    Navi Annoying?

    Yea, Navi is pretty annoying "hey link! do something! oops, I can't help you cause i'm a fairy." So then she leaves.
  43. Miss Moonlight


    She's actually more helpful than navi ever was. Did navi help you leap over cliffs (as a wolf?) I think not!
  44. Miss Moonlight

    Horrible Glitch!

    This doesn't happen on the gamecube version, does it? ;___; I'm not there yet, but that would sure suck.
  45. Miss Moonlight

    Did You Like Twilight Princess

    I'm currently playing it, and I like it so far. I think it's completely awesome that you can walk on the magnetic celings/walls with the iron boots. That is too fun. ^_^
  46. Miss Moonlight

    Hidden Within the Music

    And I call myself a zelda fan. I'm surprised I never noticed that.
  47. Miss Moonlight

    Your Username

    It's just the name I use on basically every forum/site I go to.
  48. Miss Moonlight

    Which version of OoT do you own?

    I own the original grey cartridge for the N64. I want the gold collector's one, though. I also have the Zelda: Collector's Edition for gamecube.
  49. Miss Moonlight

    Worst Movie Ever Seen

    Cruel Intentions II. It went right to video. If you haven't seen it, trust me, you really don't want to.
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