I think this is a pretty cogent assessment of the situation, and for me personally, this is the kind of society I hope our species achieves someday. I do not think that overcrowding is an issue once we fix scarcity. Population growth is a problem because of the allocation of resources, not the...
Such a change would scare a lot of people. Although we must ensure that people who want to live more traditionally (want to die before 100 and not augment themselves) have every opportunity to do so without discrimination and barrier. I personally would "plug-in", but the wishes of those who...
Michio Kaku seems to think it'll happen to a large degree (thanks to the cheap and easy growth of organs, transhumanist augmentations, and genetic manipulation) by the end of the century. Ray Kurzweil is convinced we'll be immortal by the 2050s (under the same conditions as Michio plus outright...