The threats are, really, Lain, Mint, and the Mafia. Of those, I find Lain by far the most threatening and irreconcilable. It's possible that some Maf may have gone villain, but I have no particular reason to suspect skystone, in particular, of that.
If you have the capacity to simply hammer and end the day, why are you holding back? I mean, in theory it's helping me that you do, but at the same time either you're bluffing in some capacity or you're playing with your food.
Oh hey, it's day.
It's funny... I was targeted three times last night. One was Vro just tracking me, albeit with a different character/role than he had on N3. I have my suspicions as to how that happened, but I'll ask him if he'd care to explain.
Another target was attempting to distract...
Oh, hey, right, game's on.. And there's a fight that's probably over or almost so yeah.
It's funny to still be here when in theory we know who scum is. I beleive the scuttlebut was that we were looking for Sandman?
Basically, having been around these since Maximum Carnage, voting KoD out does NOT seem like a pointless endeavor.
I don't think it's today's endeavor though. I at least want Fred to return enough that we can actually hear what's going on in his head about that 5 mil and so forth that's...
This seems materially incorrect If KoD hadn't won the fight early on, or if he'd chosen to lock Torch up, he would have been arrested by threshold
It's even likely his role has changed since then since the early bugle exposee ruled out "mafia" but the later mafia outing confirmed him as having...
He's maf. He's got the equal and opposite vested interest you do in influencing town to hunt one or the other
I may not be in any particular position to do much regarding that, but it seems like you're gonna have a hard time convincing your boss.
So, basically, Villains need to a) survive and b) trip a non-standard game end. That would make you fundamentally incompatible with town/maf, and also kind of points to the reality of that "villain scheme" threat-o-meter.
I don't, particularly, but at the same time I kind of doubt that it would be threating a same-day game over considering that I doubt Electro was guaranteed to be outed before flipping out, and the fact that the threat is reasonably vague. Likely, if we let it go, it gets worse for not-Electro...
I mean, normally I'd be all over getting Kingpin behind bars and doing everything we can to keep him there, but KoD did just keep his word on giving us one quiet night, so I'm willing to hear him out on if he's sticking to his "No joint victory, only bloodshed going forward" guns or if he's...
Origin alignment was presumably pretty common. While the Mafs were separate I don't think any of them was larger than 3 based on the intel I had, so there wasn't a threat of an excessively early solitary parity. However, no goombas left the active player pool, so the Maf as of today is...
With a 24 hour extention on this matter, I'm willing to take Torch's word. If we lynch a goblin, that's even better than taking down Maf.
I still think KoD is going to make us take him down, but maybe being shields down outed will cause some reconsideration.
Is it really a burnt bridge if it failed in the blueprint stage? Sounds like while the joint victory was technically possible this time, it's little more than a distraction being waved in front of gullible townies. This really is the tea party all over again.
Can my fellows stop being a...
SMM Games have often been trials of persistence. Neither Carnage nor Hobgoblin went down easily, but at the end of the day they did get taken out by the force of the good ol' town vote.
If we want to stop the Mafia as threats to the town, we may have to arrest certain members multiple times or...
OK, I am somewhat more willing to buy the idea that KoD isn't Goblin with this and other information that's trickled through sources to me. More may be discussed after the Bugle drops.
Vote: KoD
Deflection aside, I'm pretty sure KoD/Fisk is Goblin. The way I was silenced through yesterday reeks of a mob boss type and claimed gobbo, and it seems unlikely to me that Gobbo would be going Kingpin. In absence of any other clear and present danger it seems to me like a good way...
Game-state threat, the kind you confirmed you were when I asked. Town wincon needs that gone so unless you can ditch the status somehow that makes our endgames presently incompatible.
Yeah, the only reason I'm holding off on adding my vote to Storm is because of the threshold claim and a desire to see the day get at least most of its run time. Sorry, but if you're a Threat you've got to go, no two ways about that.
I'm deeply concerned about the whole Abigail thing.
1) if Uncle Ben doesn't die, does Spider-Man really become Spider-man? The story we're being sold is that she's Ben and wants to be arrested to avoid death
2) Uncle Ben is the sample role PM. It seems odd that the role would then actually...
IMO the odds of Fisk being at least a major baddie are near 100%. He might be able to sort out anywhere in the self/maf/supervillain spectrum (though I suspect he may be a supervillain already) but I seriously doubt his capacity to town-side
We proved yesterday that KoD does have a threshold, however high.
We also know that KoD opted to avoid arrest even when putting Torch behind bars would have been the result of just taking it. I infer from this that arresting KoD is not meaningless; if it were meaningless he would have taken...
Okay, Andjalo, the game so far.
I was a human. Then I was a radioactive spider. I got bitey. Spider-Man's a-coming. I'm a human again.
D1 Ended not with a bang but with a whimper.
There was a cool demonstration on radioactivity. The people there weren't mafia at the time, which doesn't...
I didn't mention it because it was fundamentally uninteresting: the Unknown Pool was just sort of a waiting lobby for me a) when I was stripped of my own role before being properly assigned Spider and b) when Spider was dead from fulfilling its purpose and I was waiting to be formally reinstated...
Random thought of the night: We were arguing a bit ago about how many transformations versus how many origin players and so on. If the intel that there were as many transformed roles as starting players is accurate, and we combine that data with the info from the Bugle, marked as 100%, that the...
I know that was probably a typo but still, would be too soon for an obit.
As to your supposition that Maf is currently the top problem... probably, it's just worth noting that the enemy of my enemy is not always my friend.
If any baddies in that bunch are even the enemies of that enemy.
Incorrect. It provides a list of NOT Mafia NOT Century Club. There are nine alignments in this game of which we've heard tell of Town, Mafia, Self, Origin, Superhero, and Supervillain. The last of those wasn't excluded from the demo and I think it's safe to say are probably not our friends...
Personally, I think it would be valuable to put KoD behind bars. Given that Fisk Industries has a benefit for the arrested, I would think that Fisk (the "natural" controller) would NOT be immune to arrest, and confirming or denying KoD's identity with an arrest on the books, even if he retains...
Superheroes only look cool at night*, so why shouldn't I be playing this game 'round past midnight?
*YMMV, this is more of a 90's and early 2000's trope
Lot of assumptions about me getting bitey. I'll say this much: I had the freedom to weigh the odds towards literally any player in the game by, at the demonstration or not, by adding them to the bite pool. So it's not like you're going to be able to identify a web-slinger by process of...
Well, as everyone knows I spent some time as your friendly neighborhood radioactive spider. I did not start the game as Radioactive Spider... or, in fact, any kind of Spider. My tenure as the eight-legged chooser of Spider-Man was entirely unrelated to my original role, a role I have now...
The other consideration on my mind is that Kingpin's post was very "in character", rather than being a functional post, but I don't think that would really help disambiguate from among the four posters in the ten-minute window.
So, I have every reason to expect from these interactions that Kingpin is bad news. Some of these reasons are more convoluted than others but a big one is... well, he's already Kingpin using the Kingpin sock. He's not facing his origin story like Norman.
The question is, who is Kingpin...
Huzzah! And here we are.
So, this is certainly a Spider-Man Mafia game; expect the unexpected and possibly the downright nuts.
Like us all getting to know Fred's role (assuming it's not a spoof). That's different and exciting.
I'm gonna say I'm a little suspicious of Rag out of the gate...
Hold on, let's talk about this. In this universe, does that mean that you'd be the creator of the Marvel Comics character Spider-Man? Or is Spider-Man your original fan creation in the Marvel Universe? Oh, or what if Marvel doesn't even exist, and the entire mythos of Spider-Man and...
You know, I was thinking, if you've got some users who aren't ZD regulars and haven't confirmed, you might want to reach out to them where they are regulars because I at least don't get any sort of outside contact from an @ ping that tells me "hey, check ZD, you're being called out"
To be fair Zinger did not anticipate that the guy with the ability to disambiguate the True Spider-Man would consider disambiguating the True Spider-Man a good thing and pull that trigger basically right away, when disambiguating the True Spider Man was actually a horrible idea.
Oh, right, that...
Yeah, Zenon's tea party is taking a long time,; I could go either way on starting here or continuing to wait. Just make sure to give me a holler on NGA if we kick off before the tea party.
I wonder how many times I'll cry Moon Knight before the memes come to life?
(I mean I'd settle for Dr. McNinja but he's not part of the Marvel universe)
I'll cash in my question: Will there be one or more cults (defined as an alignment that recruits arbitrary outside individuals against their will , changing the target to be aligned falsely or truly with the cult-- so not a recruit-able "traitor" or "some assembly required" or "neighbor" faction...