I don't have anything to say about your drawing as I've never really tried colouring before, but maybe i would have smudge the stream of light in his hair so it would look smoother. Other than that there is nothing to say, it's a pretty good drawing. ^^
Borderlands on PC and Tales of Phantasia on Psx.
Playing the Psx version because my game on snes glitched, everything in my inventory (weapons, armor, healing items,...) has changed into chicken food... And even when I bought something it would change into chicken! >:(
I would like a cat, a main coon to be precise. They are big and fluffy, they look like tiny Lynx.
A tiger would be totally awesome! I love tigers, they are beautiful and are my favorite animals.
I would like a dragon too, so I could fly and burn anybody that annoys me. >:D
I usually complete 100% each game, except for the oracle games (never completed the ring box), and OoT (the golden skulltula quest which i find tedious.) Otherwise i like to do every sidequest and collect everything when i play.
I've never tried speedruns and 3 herts runs.
I had the chance but only with my little sister. We played Zelda Four sword anniversary on our DS/3DS. Even though she is really bad at it we still had a lot of fun. Sometimes i wish Four Swords were online so it would be easier to play with people.
Hey everyone!
I wonder if it's okay to post something here since it's been a long i haven't posted anything... Oh well, i'm posting anyway.
So here i go:
I made this with paint no so long ago, it took me ages to finish this. I wasn't really motivated near the end of it but i still...
I've finally beat OoT3D for the first time and now that i've beaten all my 3ds games i don't know what to do. I guess i'll start master quest.
Do you have any 3ds game that could be interseting?
Yep, I saw that yesterday on the shoutbox. I was surprise to see this. And i heard it was made by a fan (i've seen some video of it), Capcom must have asked him/her to stop his project and then took it and finished it (i don't if the game was complete or not and i don't know the whole story...
I always had PCs, so i say PC. The only thing that annoys me is that they tend to get slower really quick, and the screen freezing is really irritating.
I've never tried Mac, is it really different from pc? I've been told it's pretty good (but expensive)
They are really good, it looks like your drawing skills have improved.
Will you show us some more? Because i'm looking forward to see some other ones. ^^
I want a new villain alone or with 3, pawns each one representing a part of the triforce. But i still want to see Vaati in 3d, he never has been in 3d before.
I don't have SS and I only played it a few times but i like the way you can beat bokoblins 2-3 super fast slashes, it's fast pace and i like it, maybe they should do something similar with Z3ds. But they definitly should bring back the old enemy AI but smarter than the SS AI.
Maybe a "spin-off" like LA or MM, a game that doesn't involve Zelda, because it's been a long time we have got one. As for the gameplay why not OoT controls with some new skills and for the artstyle i don't really care but not toon link otherwise i'm fine with anything.
Maybe during next year's E3 for an announcement, no need for a trailer or anything, i'd like them to do so but i wouldn't mind if Zelda 3ds is announced later.
My first language is French, i'm almost fluent in english, i can speak chinese but not as good as english and i have started learning japanese this year.
I'm almost done with Ocarina of Time 3d (it will be my first time completing it. \o/ ), i'm also almost done with Tales of Eternia and Star Ocean on the Snes.
I have recently started playing Star Ocean the Second Departure.
Star Ocean Till the End of Time and Sonic Unleashed are on hiatus for now.
There are so many games i want:
- the whole Zelda series ( i only have OoT 3d)
- Sonic games (so far i have Sonic Heroes (GC), Unleashed (ps2), Adventure (Pc) and Generation on 3ds)
- Tales series (i want Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Destiny, Tales of Rebirth,...)
- Megaman games (They are...
I would be an adventurer. I would play Tales games and do awesome combos, play some mmos. But I think i would mainly play rpgs because i would be able to explore and see many great things in the game.
What do i do when i have a crush? I don't tell to anyboy because when i was younger i woud tell my friends and they would tell to the girl that i love her (they wouldn't keep their mouths shut!) and in the end she would avoid me or make fun of me. This happened several times, that's why i keep...
I love vanilla flavor.
You guys have so many flavor that i have never tried (or maybe it's just me not paying attention in supermarkets), i'm a bit jealous. But i have once tried the Oreo one when i went to Chicago and it was good. I think there are more Oreo ice cream than before in fast food...
I usually have a bowl of chocolate milk with bread (sometimes freshly baked from the bakery on week ends). I put butter on my slices of bread and then jam or cheese (most of the time it's camembert or emmental) or sometimes i put salami on it. Sometimes i also eat some Croissant or Pain au...