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  1. Braivety

    General Art Braivety's Drawings

    So me and my best buddy LavaAnon, (Jacob) are trying to 100% every Mario game evar. And for Mario sunshine, you gotta collect 100 coins on every level, which is near impossible. You barely get like 20 coins just by looking at the ones you pick up throughout a level. But anyways, it was late and...
  2. Braivety

    General Art Wolfy-senpai's Art Thread

    These are totes rad. I love the ALBW one cx
  3. Braivety

    General Art Braivety's Drawings

    Here's another piccccc cx it's A DINOSAUR LASER FIGHT! The amazing Ninja Sex Party wrote the song with this title and I was inspired to create this <3
  4. Braivety

    General Art ~Kylie's Request Thread~

    Hey if I send a pic of me can you do me too? :D
  5. Braivety

    Arcade Tournament #8 - Blockies

    Ill join cx
  6. Braivety

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    Ninja Brian: "......................................." Danny: "This isn't even his final form."
  7. Braivety

    Rate the Avatar!

    I'll give you den outta den. (10/10) NINJA BRIAN FOR THE WIN
  8. Braivety

    Ocarina of Time Does OoT Suck? Sequilitis Discussion

    Has it? Oh I looked but I couldn't find anything, sorry.
  9. Braivety

    Ocarina of Time Does OoT Suck? Sequilitis Discussion

    For those of you who don't know, Egoraptor is a Youtuber that animates, does Game Grumps, and occasionally other stuff like Sequilitis, which discusses games and their sequals and why they suck or why they were awesome, etc. Recently he did a video on A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time, and...
  10. Braivety

    General Art Violet's Hall of Arts.

    Your really good :D I cant wait to see what you can come up with as you get even better and better!!
  11. Braivety

    General Art Braivety's Drawings

    Thanks cx I take a lot of inspiration from Egoraptor Ever heard of Game Grumps? Good. Shadow of the Colossus.
  12. Braivety

    And the Sexiest Man Alive Is...

    Ohhhhh youuuu :clap:;)
  13. Braivety

    DGN Drawing Competition: Round 1

    By the way, just so people are aware, I'm entering, so if you wanna, do it. I don't know how many people plan on it but I don't wanna win by default ;-;
  14. Braivety

    And the Sexiest Man Alive Is...

    Well yeah I mean come on. It's Thor. And Josh Peck's older brother. He's smexy. The only other person who could match him is Daniel Sexbang.
  15. Braivety

    General Art Braivety's Drawings

    It's the return of Ryoga! Except I'm Braivety now o3o But whatever I'm back, it's been like a year I think and I wanted to make a new thread, except I'll probably only be posting Digital art since that's what I do now. Also, I'm gonna try to post more often then I did. SO YEAH. Here's a pic of...
  16. Braivety

    What Are You Currently Doing in the Pokémon World?

    I'm doing a few things. For one, I'm trying to get the perfect Ultimate PC Box in Platinum, which I do instead of just filling in the pages of the Pokedex for every game, which for those of you who don't know, means filling in every slot in the PC in numerical order with every evolution. I...
  17. Braivety

    General Art Ryoga's Awesomely Cool Art

    Hey Guys! Remember me?!?! It's Ryoga! I changed my name though o3o So yeah I'm back but I'm Braivety now. I'll put up something new or maybe even just start a new thread since this is so old
  18. Braivety

    General Art Snakes Somewhat Decent Art Thread

    Wow! These are REALLY good. Dude you have a talent!
  19. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 55

    imma try for the next one too
  20. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 53

    I made one but my scanner was being dumb. Sorry
  21. Braivety

    Zelda Art Fur, Fangs and Fear

    MMMMMMMVery cool, Shadsie.
  22. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 52

    I was going to enter but I couldn't think of anything. I'll be in the next one though!
  23. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 51

    I really liked kylie's. it was really cool, and i especially liked the dark colors all around link. So she gets mine. Also, thanks guys for actually submitting stuff. Means a lot. And Dan, what was that about winning for sure? :wynaut:
  24. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 50

    YaaaaaY!! Competition!!! and we'll see abbout that Dan!:ghirahim:
  25. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 50

    the next one im doing looks really cool and and awesome (at least i think so). SO SOMEONE PLEASE ENTER!!!!
  26. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 50

  27. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 49

    heh heh. i like pataya's. i wouldv'e entered but i couldn't think of one. You guys should enter thje next one cuz im definetely doing that one.
  28. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 48

    man, again? c'mon guys i don't like winning this way. :(
  29. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 47

    Yeah, I think I'm done with markers. :S
  30. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 46

    it wasn't MM. thats the next one
  31. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 46

    Aww.. man. no competition..... :(
  32. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 45

    Yeah, when did it come up? And my vote goes to Atticus.
  33. Braivety

    Games NOT Starring Link?

    I don't know......it sounds pretty cool. But the main reason I think they did it with Tingle is because he is loved by so many people because of how ridiculous and goofy he is. Plus, if I thought of Rosie Ruppee Land out of the blue, I wouldn't be able to keep that to myself.
  34. Braivety

    Breath of the Wild What Kind of Artstyle/graphics for Zelda Wii U?

    I want super realistic graphics. I don't know if it should go as far as Final Fantasy, but a little better than TP.
  35. Braivety

    General Art Ryoga's Awesomely Cool Art

    hey guys, i know i said i'd be back with a few more pages in a couple days, but, i think i might have to just stop. I'll probably continue someday soon, but for now, i don't have time to do the Origin of the Goddesses manga. I'll still upload more pictures and stuff every once in awhile...
  36. Braivety

    Greatest Hand Held Zelda Game?

    I would pick a Link to the Past for the GBC, but since it was originally for the SNES, it probably dosen't count. So I pick 4 swords.
  37. Braivety

    General Art Ryoga's Awesomely Cool Art

    Ok, so I'm going to take a short break from the Manga. I has lots of stuff I gotta do right now, so I don't have time to work on that. I'll have some new pages up by, around December 20 or so.
  38. Braivety

    The Legend of Zelda Origin of the Goddesses Discussion

    Yeah. I think I'll try to message her a couple times and if she dosen't respond after a while, we'll continue without her.
  39. Braivety

    The Legend of Zelda Origins of the Goddesses

    Alright. Let's go in. *opens door*
  40. Braivety

    The Legend of Zelda Origins of the Goddesses

    Are we ready to it already?
  41. Braivety

    The Current Contest Winners Video 1x02

    Actually, it's pronounced Rai-O-gah
  42. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 42

    yeah, when?
  43. Braivety

    The Legend of Zelda Origins of the Goddesses

    ok. let's go then. *starts walking*
  44. Braivety

    General Art Ryoga's Awesomely Cool Art

    I got the idea for this picture from the pokedex entry for Hypno in Fire Red version. When I heard the Creepy Pasta song ''Hypno's Lullaby,'' I realized how awesome a oicture it wouldbe. Notice the sad little Charmander in the back.
  45. Braivety

    General Art Ryoga's Awesomely Cool Art

    Here they are, the next pages. And one is colored! Ok so Megidrus wanted me to make him a digimon, but I didn't find out about that until I already drew it. So yeah, sorry. But the Zelda fan-boy in me automatically assumes that bird-man=Rito.
  46. Braivety

    The Random Drawing Contest Round 42

    Yeah! Sucess! Thanks for voting for me guys.
  47. Braivety

    The Legend of Zelda Origins of the Goddesses

    Ok. well, where is he?
  48. Braivety

    The Legend of Zelda Origins of the Goddesses

    Wow. Dyno-Mite? That's pretty cheesy.
  49. Braivety

    General Art Ryoga's Awesomely Cool Art

    Don't worry. It will happen! Probably.....
  50. Braivety

    The Legend of Zelda Origins of the Goddesses

    Flame naga? what's that?
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