They really COULD.. give us the last chronological story as the next game... it wouldnt mean it would have to be the last Zelda game ever made... since the FIRST Zelda game isnt even the first in the timeline... I personally would love to see how it all ends.
Yes they could.. I imagine the last story would involve Link un-shattering the time line and once and for all stopping Gannon and evil "reincarnating" the tool to do so would be the mastersword we already know it has power over time.. But I don't think we have seen its full potential yet.
I threw this together for my Facebook cover.. thought maybe some of you would like it too.. perfect for the Halloween season.
Download the full sized thing here
what it looks like.
I have played both versions.. I personally like the GC version.. you can really tell that was the system it was made for.. the motion controls were just not as satisfying as they are in SS
I think ive put the bug net over every npc's head possible in ss ... an acidental thing i do way too often is try to catch a fairy in a bottle with one already in it wasting it.
I have heard this theory plenty of times, its a bit of a leap in logic sex will not heal wounds it is however a good cardiovascular activity.. Jumping to the conclusion that she is a potion lady seems more logical because we have seen that method of healing previously established...
Some of these I will just be listing series.
Monkey Island 1-5
Kings Quest 1-7
Mario almost all
Zelda all games
Sam and Max series
Fall out 3 and all after
GTA I-IV and spinoffs
Arkham 1 and 2
Elderscrolls from Morrowind on
Neverwinter Nights
LittleBIGplanet 1 and 2
Grim Fandango
Full Throttle...
So.. it was pretty much be a Final Fantasy game with "paper" Zelda graphics.. It would be semi-turn based combat?
BTW I love the Paper Mario games... you actually get to play a story set within the Mushroom Kingdom.. and get to know some characters and their personality.. something not...
I welcome voice acting.. having played the games since the first one when it was brand new I am what you could consider an "old school" fan... On of my other favorite franchises didnt have VA when I first started playing.. that was Monkey Island.. then in the 90's they hired an actor (Dominic...
I like Rupin... he cracks me up. I love when you go near his shop he scurries over excitedly and when you walk away he slumps over in defeat.
I also like when you visit his house at night his personality is different... literally night and day... Great stuff Nintendo has done with their NPCs.
I grew up in a little village with only about 750 people... needless to say everyone knew each other.. We had a little Castle on a little hill (mainly used as a make-out point for the local teens).. it was very quaint..
Now I live in a city with about 70,000 people... not really a big city...
I see the points you are making.. I do not think that SS is perfect.. and I agree with some of your points.. I just feel its a step back towards where Zelda games should be going... I really look forward to what they do with the next Wii U game...
as for the Upgrading your gear parts I...
Yeah sure... I do not think that TP necessarily irked me.. I just feel that SS matches the serious but lightheartedness of earlier games... Colorful like Link to the past and Wind Waker.. but deep like Ocarina and Majora... all while staying true to what started it all LoZ... TP while...
I actually thought it was a lot better then I was anticipating.. Twilight Princess lowered my expectations if I am honest.. Skyward Sword feels like Nintendo is moving in the right direction again.
When I see ornate pottery I do have the nagging urge to smash them to see if anything useful is inside.
I was at a Mexican restaurant once and they had this painting of a bunch of Aztec pots.. and I was reminded of Zelda... I thought "I bet that painting would piss Link right the F-off.. he...
No... actually Mugen is right... the DS games were 3D.. you just mistook it because its a top down view. Minish.. was the last true 2D game with flat 2D sprites....
Yeah.. that's what I said in my first post kind of... its also probably why we can relate to Link... because we subconsciously project our own voice and emotions as his... its sort of vain if you really think about it too much.
In the real world they found all the ingredients for an ancient battery... why they needed a battery back then is unknown but theorized for use in electroplating. .. but they had it... Its a common mistake to believe just because people lived in ancient times they couldn't have very modern...
I hope they rename it too... alot of Non-Gamer friends who heard about Wii U think its a controller they will be able to buy for their Wii... renaming the system may make the distinction a little more clear...
Yes he talks... there have been many times NPC characters react like he just said something... Nintendo expects us to decide what and how he says things... they leave it up to our imaginations.... Its also why you can change his name.
Pretty much in this order.
1 Hmong (My Wife is Hmong, and I would like to be able to communicate better at family gatherings)
2 Gaelic
3 Japanese
4 Spanish
5 German
6 Chinese
7 Italian
8 Sign Language
My favorite random bit of Zelda merch that I own is probably my Wind Waker Gashapon figures... they are so cool, with their moving eyes.. and they look brilliant hanging out with my K'Nex Mario and Luigi figures...