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  1. Lozjam

    Breath of the Wild How useful do you think the handglider is going to be?

    All the windy stuff? Like, what? The hand glider reacts to wind just as much as the Deku leaf did. If you are regarding it to blowing enemies away and stuff. The Deku Leaf in BotW does so that.
  2. Lozjam

    Breath of the Wild How useful do you think the handglider is going to be?

    The hand glider is practically just a better Deku Leaf is it not? Also, Deku Leaves have also made an appearance as a weapon.
  3. Lozjam

    Breath of the Wild How useful do you think the handglider is going to be?

    You can also use the Paraglider to soar above your enemies undetected. Not only that, but you can do an airstrike straight out of the Paraglider as well.
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