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  1. Zemen

    What is Link's race?

    Human=race Hylian=culture i am a human but i am also american. link is a human but he is also a hylian. im surprised this thread hasnt been closed yet... also for whoever said that link is "hyrulian"...ive never once heard anyone call him that. i assume you think thats what someone from...
  2. Zemen

    What is Link's race?

    for the record this is a thread about Links race, not Tingles race so if you want to discuss tingles race then make a thread for that... in fact, i think there might already be one.
  3. Zemen

    What is Link's race?

    yeah i know. you think hes this happy go lucky guy when hes really like a slave.
  4. Zemen

    What is Link's race?

    hes also in OoX. TRR makes it clear that there has been, and at one time there can be more than one tingle. its the name given to those who work for uncle rupee. in TRR tingle is a middle aged Hylian before he becomes tingle. its pretty obvious that he is Hylian seeing as how he has the pointy...
  5. Zemen

    What is Link's race?

    just like Link_IshSexy said, Link is the only one in the town that has pointy ears. also, if you recall, it mentions that Link is an orphan. this means that his parents (who are unknown) could have been (and probably were) Hylians. its kinda like the same thing in OoT. Link was left in the care...
  6. Zemen

    What is Link's race?

    not necessarily true. human is a species. they have all the chracteristics of humans (except for a couple who have magic and they all have pointy ears) so its safe to say they are human. Hylian, Gerudo and Sheikah are just their races just like we have americans, germans, russians etc... they...
  7. Zemen

    What is Link's race?

    as i said in my previous post, they dont call them human THAT I KNOW OF. he is called ordonian because he lives in ordon village...not that hard of a concept to grasp. kakariko are specifically called fairy children and they are not born normally like the other "humans" in the games. if a...
  8. Zemen

    What is Link's race?

    he is hylian. he is not human. as far as the game goes, no one ever talks about humans that i know of so lets assume that hylian is the standard (like humans are the standard life in the real world). he is a hylian regardless of what tingle says. the great deku tree, many gods, zelda, and the...
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