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  1. Josh

    What is Link's race?

    Okay. So that's one game. What about the rest? LoZ, AoL he doesn't live anywhere to my knowledge. Alttp he lives in Hyrule with his Uncle. LA doesn't even deal with Hyrule. OoT in the Kokiri Forest which is still Hyrule, MM is the same link, OoX I don't know about, WW he lives in Outset...
  2. Josh

    What is Link's race?

    Don't have to be kpllk. The only difference I remember is that Hylians have pointed elf like ears, which I at least don't think humans have. So they aren't really humans, just another race that really really look like humans.
  3. Josh

    What is Link's race?

    Well I speaking more along of it's an actual race in Hyrule, and since Hyrule is fictional, that would seem like it would make it an actual fictional face within the not real world.
  4. Josh

    What is Link's race?

    Hylian is made up? Are we talking about for real life or just the game? Because if real life then yeah. I'm pretty sure it's an actual fictional race though. And yeah, he would be Hylian.
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